I decided to trade the FFR P400e in. After two years of mainly bliss, I wanted to trade up
to a new model or a new RRS. Sadly its fame is such that this would mean a wait for about
14mnths as it looks now. The alternative is 'misfit' configuration or a 'non show' order.
As a second car we have a MX-30. Completely other league, I know. But it made me think
about an I-pace. I arranged one two times a loaner, ones for two weeks when the heater
of the battery was replaced. And I liked it a lot.
As a side note I should say we repaired the barn roof. Sounds odd but placing a new roof of the
same kind or changing to sandwhich panels would cost between 6-12k, and give no return.
Putting a full cover of solar on it, costs 10k and I have it prepared for batteries, to be placed
once they decide to give out subsidies on that.
So we have from then on an additional 8.000kWh of electricity, or roughly 30.000km worth.
And this tipped the scales. So until a FFRR BEV appears, or maybe a new XJ BEV, we will
move around in an I-pace. This one is a '22 HSE in Portofino blue.
You lot won't get rid of my though. I'll keep a keen eye on the news pages.. I-pace First Edition Santorini & 2nd car Mazda MX-30 Advantage red/black
PHEV P400e Hybrid Autobiography Loire blue= SOLD
D5 SD4 HSE Lux Corris grey = SOLD
D3 TdV6 HSE Lux Vienna Green =SOLD
P300 F-Type 2018 Ultra Blue = SOLD
25t F-Pace 2020 Loire Blue = SOLD