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Member Since: 16 Mar 2011
Location: North Yorkshire
Posts: 247

United Kingdom 2005 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Stornoway Grey

Ludzy wrote:
BigJ wrote:
Ludzy wrote:
Car looks stunning mate. I after seeing your tigers coloured makes me wanna get mine done. Are they the same grey as the car? I fancied getting my tigers coloured black just not to sure if dark alloys would look good on a silver car???

Thumbs Up

Mine arn't the same grey they are slightly more polished chrome if that makes sense (Without any chrome). I can find out from the chap who did them the colour code if you wish?

I didn't want black as you lose the detail I find?

I also removed all the bolts around the edge, as I prefer the look without it. Though am thinking putting chrome caps where they were. May be borderline chavvy tho....

No your ok mate just a general question. But I am swaying to a grey wheel after seeing yours. I want to get mine done anyway as I have a few marks on em so may just change the colour at the same time.


Go for it Smile

If you are in Scotland or North Yorkshire, happy to meet up if you wanted to swap a wheel over to see what you thought. Used to have:
2005 FFRR 4.4 Vogue - BRC LPG Conversion & Remapped

Now have:
2008 SSRR 3.6 TDV8 - HSE and plenty of toys

Post #66963 4th Jun 2011 6:06pm
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Member Since: 02 Jun 2009
Location: UK
Posts: 242

2005 Range Rover Autobiography 4.4 V8 Monte Carlo Blue

BigJ wrote:
Polux wrote:
BigJ wrote:
MICK wrote:
Second from bottom .. 1st page

I have modifications on the policy as a general option you see. Is the car modified - yes or no. No declaration required Smile

lets hope and pray you dont have a crash as u will get dickly squat from the insurance, u have changed the body shape from factory default and that means its classed as a bodykit and needs to be declared, also with the 22" as also this is above the recommended size for that vehicle and also needs to be declared.

I dont think you have even mentioned these things to your insurance company or else you prems would have shot up. i got this from my brother who owns an insurance company.

as for the biog badge people who do this urks me as I do own aa original 2005 autobiography,

but all being siad the car does look nice though.


Information for you. It's a trade policy, I am in the trade, it's a valid policy and I pay a vast insurance premium to allow be to drive modified cars due to in my trade, many cars are modified. As I drive them I need it. It covers personal cars as well.

Ask your brother about them Smile

Don't just assume I spent a fortune on the car and forget about the law!

As said, I like the badge so it's fitted.

Appreciate the comments about the car looking nice Smile

Ah well you never mentioned that its a traders policy that puts a diff spin on it now if you had said up front, confirmed by brother who btw has just bought a spank new phantom drophead ( Censored ) dont i know insurance companies make a killing Confused , but he does not get my policy Laughing

we cant all be traders now can we Very Happy , I did look into doing this but due to my paint job it would triple the cost of conversion + increased ins

Post #67226 6th Jun 2011 12:44pm
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Member Since: 01 Jan 2011
Location: Manchester, UK
Posts: 737

United Kingdom 2003 Range Rover Autobiography 4.4 V8 Java Black

Polux wrote:
BigJ wrote:
Polux wrote:
BigJ wrote:
MICK wrote:
Second from bottom .. 1st page

I have modifications on the policy as a general option you see. Is the car modified - yes or no. No declaration required Smile

lets hope and pray you dont have a crash as u will get dickly squat from the insurance, u have changed the body shape from factory default and that means its classed as a bodykit and needs to be declared, also with the 22" as also this is above the recommended size for that vehicle and also needs to be declared.

I dont think you have even mentioned these things to your insurance company or else you prems would have shot up. i got this from my brother who owns an insurance company.

as for the biog badge people who do this urks me as I do own aa original 2005 autobiography,

but all being siad the car does look nice though.


Information for you. It's a trade policy, I am in the trade, it's a valid policy and I pay a vast insurance premium to allow be to drive modified cars due to in my trade, many cars are modified. As I drive them I need it. It covers personal cars as well.

Ask your brother about them Smile

Don't just assume I spent a fortune on the car and forget about the law!

As said, I like the badge so it's fitted.

Appreciate the comments about the car looking nice Smile

Ah well you never mentioned that its a traders policy that puts a diff spin on it now if you had said up front, confirmed by brother who btw has just bought a spank new phantom drophead ( Censored ) dont i know insurance companies make a killing Confused , but he does not get my policy Laughing

we cant all be traders now can we Very Happy , I did look into doing this but due to my paint job it would triple the cost of conversion + increased ins

Maybe i should get a job owning a insurance company its a licence to print money, screw people for as much money as possible at renewal time then refuse to payout on a technicality when the customer needs them most!! Then maybe i could afford a brand new phantom with other peoples hard earned money!

You have got to love them!

Post #67269 6th Jun 2011 5:07pm
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United Kingdom 

mattstevenson2005 wrote:
Polux wrote:
BigJ wrote:
Polux wrote:
BigJ wrote:
MICK wrote:
Second from bottom .. 1st page

I have modifications on the policy as a general option you see. Is the car modified - yes or no. No declaration required Smile

lets hope and pray you dont have a crash as u will get dickly squat from the insurance, u have changed the body shape from factory default and that means its classed as a bodykit and needs to be declared, also with the 22" as also this is above the recommended size for that vehicle and also needs to be declared.

I dont think you have even mentioned these things to your insurance company or else you prems would have shot up. i got this from my brother who owns an insurance company.

as for the biog badge people who do this urks me as I do own aa original 2005 autobiography,

but all being siad the car does look nice though.


Information for you. It's a trade policy, I am in the trade, it's a valid policy and I pay a vast insurance premium to allow be to drive modified cars due to in my trade, many cars are modified. As I drive them I need it. It covers personal cars as well.

Ask your brother about them Smile

Don't just assume I spent a fortune on the car and forget about the law!

As said, I like the badge so it's fitted.

Appreciate the comments about the car looking nice Smile

Ah well you never mentioned that its a traders policy that puts a diff spin on it now if you had said up front, confirmed by brother who btw has just bought a spank new phantom drophead ( Censored ) dont i know insurance companies make a killing Confused , but he does not get my policy Laughing

we cant all be traders now can we Very Happy , I did look into doing this but due to my paint job it would triple the cost of conversion + increased ins

Maybe i should get a job owning a insurance company its a licence to print money, screw people for as much money as possible at renewal time then refuse to payout on a technicality when the customer needs them most!! Then maybe i could afford a brand new phantom with other peoples hard earned money!

You have got to love them!

do i win the most quotes competition..... Razz

Post #67270 6th Jun 2011 5:10pm
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Nah you just cause this to happen.

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Ner Ner Ner Ner Ner Ner Ner Ner Ner Ner

Post #67272 6th Jun 2011 5:15pm
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United Kingdom 

Laughing ...i wish every member would read that mick...

Post #67273 6th Jun 2011 5:18pm
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Member Since: 16 Oct 2010
Location: essex
Posts: 854

United Kingdom 2004 Range Rover Vogue Td6 Java Black

MICK wrote:
Nah you just cause this to happen.

Replying to posts - Use of Quote and Reply buttons
Recently there appears to be a trend of excessive use of Quoting when replying to posts, this greatly increases the size of the database behind the site, slows the site down with increased times to load pages and creates more work for moderators.

There are a lot of single line replies to posts directly after the post replied to, with the previous post quoted in its entirety, this is completely unnecessary.

A few guidelines on more efficient ways of replying to posts:

When replying to the last post in a thread use the post reply button, not the quote button, as it's obvious what you're replying to. If someone 'nips in' and replies whist you're still drafting your post you can always go back and edit your post if you think it needs it - but often it won't.
When posting in a thread but not responding directly to a question take a second think, do you need to quote someone or will the content of your post make it obvious what you are referring to?
When replying to a question that has already had several replies again consider if you need to quote someone or will the content of your post make it obvious what you are referring to?
When replying to a question that has already had several replies and you feel a quote is warranted generally you do not need to quote the entire post, a snippet of the original post containing the relevant part will normally suffice
When replying to a post that is already a reply with a quote and you want to quote the first reply delete the original quote first.

Ner Ner Ner Ner Ner Ner Ner Ner Ner Ner

You what............. Laughing 2004 black Vogue TD6

Post #67287 6th Jun 2011 6:05pm
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