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Member Since: 31 Oct 2014
Location: UK
Posts: 18

Restricted Performance

New to 4.4 tdv8 ownership. I have had it a couple of months and have done the oil cooler gaskets and ‘o’ rings on the pipe at the back of the engine. All of that seemed to go well.

Now have restricted performance. Strange thing is it will happen 100m from my house first thing and then when I turn it off and back on again, the RP will not resurface again all day, and maybe for the following day also.

I have read the codes and the picture shows what I have.

After looking up the codes there is a lot on the P040D and I think I can try this, but hardly anything on P-030-13.

Click image to enlarge

Would either of these codes cause restricted performance?

Any help would be appreciated, thank you.

Post #668259 3rd Jul 2023 7:55pm
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Member Since: 13 Mar 2021
Location: Hampshire
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Hi Paul,

Well done at getting a 4.4 TDV8, and also an IID tool.

Whilst P0030-13 is rare / I haven't seen before, the P040D fault is a known issue with the exhaust gas temperature sensor (I changed mine just last week!). Both can cause a restricted performance message (P040D shouldn't do that in the medium term at least).

So, for the P040D error, you'll need to get the sensor replaced eventually. Here's the forum thread with members posting the "how to" and top tips / parts needed: . The part is £75 for OEM or £110ish for genuine. Garage labour should be 3 hours, but allow up to twice that on the driveway. Replacing mine has also cleared the fault, albeit it wasn't causing me any other symptoms or problems.

P0030-13 is on bank 1 and upstream of the catalytic converter, on the exhaust system. I'm 80% confident this is the sensor right by the nearside suspension where the exhaust pipe comes down from the manifold. If it is, it's very easy to get to. As it says the circuit is open, the sensor has likely gone open loop and requires replacing also.

Aside from the P040D error which you will need to replace the sensor for, a thorough inspection of the 4 hoses on the "donut"/air intake manifold, plus the 2x charged air hoses at the front of the engine bay is a must. As you face the engine bay, the charge hose on your right hand side heads into a metal union which joins the throttle body. Inside this union is an o-ring which collapses over time - there are some interim fixes possible, however will eventually require the whole part replacing. Here's the links:

Usual causes are:

1. Sooted up MAP sensor, which should be cleaned every few thousand miles. This is free so, try it first. Remove the engine cover and it's pretty obvious - has 1x T20 screw on it and a multiplug going to it
2. Have a good look at and around the 4x hoses on the 'donut' (inlet manifold) plus the two top charge hoses (the big rubber hoses at the front of the engine bay). Look for soot or oily deposits in their vicinity or white gunk
3. Failure of the seal inside the union between the throttle body and top left hose (a very common failure). This can be bodged with gas specification PTFE tape or the part needs replacing (£175 but takes 5 minutes to fit on the driveway with no more than a screwdriver). Look at the top left hose adjacent to the left airbox and follow it until you see a plastic fitting with a metal clip. It usually fails in this area so, you'd see sooty deposits around the fitting and on engine components nearby
4. Exhaust Gas temperature sensors down the sides of the EGR on the exhaust manifolds

Less common culprits are the temperature sensors beyond the exhaust manifolds.
 2015 Range Rover Autobiography 4.4 SDV8

Post #668269 3rd Jul 2023 10:09pm
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Member Since: 31 Oct 2014
Location: UK
Posts: 18

Hi Gary,

Appreciate the in-depth advice and I will try and look at all of these at the weekend before I start on the sensors.

I have ordered some hoses for the donut already and I have tried the large ‘O” ring fix for the plastic pipe joining the throttle body. Also replaced the gasket from throttle body to donut as it was leaking.

When I replaced the gaskets in the oil cooler I noticed the donut hose closest to the bulkhead on the right, looking at the car, was leaking oil/soot onto the engine, hence the new pipes ordered. It may be that it is still leaking and that could be the problem, although it seems to be fine but will see when I take it off again.

I will then use your list to go through the rest.

Two final questions. The first is do you think either of the codes I posted would give restricted performance. If not I will fix them later and concentrate on other things.

The second question is you said P0030 was upstream of the cat you thought, in the photo would it be number 3?

Click image to enlarge

Again appreciate all the help, just trying to learn as quick as I can.

Post #668342 4th Jul 2023 6:45pm
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Member Since: 13 Mar 2021
Location: Hampshire
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P040D certainly could cause you the issue, and has many others if you take a read of the thread, which leads a lot of people to change it.

The oxygen ensor, I really do not know. It may cause you to fail the emissions test on MOT though, so I think it needs replacing. The fault code most certainly suggests it's gone open loop (or the cable is damaged).

Upstream of the cat and the only oxygen sensor listed suggests to me it is sensor 2 on your diagram (albeit I'd read bank 1 as left side facing the front of the vehicle).

The workshop manual doesn't seem to provide a guide for the sensor, however the location is next to the right side temperature sensor, so if you follow that workshop procedure, it should be the same:

Click image to enlarge

The workshop manual says to remove the gearbox cover to gain access.

Click image to enlarge

If you're handy with a multimeter, you could disconnect the multiplug and test and confirm it's gone open loop. The new part ID would be LR001370 and you'd need the oxygen sensor socket for it also. It may need heating and a lot of WD40 to remove, and if it snaps, could be a pain, so may be best to get a garage to change it. 2015 Range Rover Autobiography 4.4 SDV8

Post #668344 4th Jul 2023 7:09pm
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Member Since: 16 Nov 2015
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE 4.4 V8 Zermatt Silver

I have a Vogue SE TD4.4TDV8, I get Random Restricted performance messages but the performance is not affected. The Dealer has checked fault codes and none are present. It may not happen for a few days then when I start up it appears and stays on until engine is switched off then next time car is used it is clear. Any one else encountered this.

Cheers in advance

Post #671030 12th Aug 2023 1:05pm
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