I think they're all interchangeable - with very minor differences to the "assistance characteristic" provided by the Servotronic valve - which you could swop from your existing rack.
When the rack was knackered on my 2006 TDV8 I found a s/h replacement from a 2009 car that was in much better condition.
Before you get carried away with the pain of a rack change, have you checked the condition of the ball joints between the rack & inner arms (aka drumsticks). These can also wear as well as the ball joints / Track Rod Ends with the hubs.
If you lie on the floor & hold the actual rack through the boot, right next to the housing, you can easily detect if the rack is moving up/down inside the housing while someone else operates the steering wheel side to side. (You may have already done this !)
On mine there was 3mm of wear in the rack housing on the drivers side - allowing the complete rack to move up & down.
Some people have allegedly taken up some play at this point by tightening the big hex head that controls the bias on the rack. On mine I couldn't even if rotate it and because it was also leaking at the passenger side badly, I decided to change the complete rack.
I was lucky the s/h rack only cost £95 !
It took quite a few hours to change (See my write-up here if you're into DIY)
https://www.fullfatrr.com/forum/topic55023...ering+rack Paul,
2001 Discovery 2 TD5, 211,000 miles & climbing
2006 FFRR TDV8 Vogue 151,000 miles & now sold
Member of Midland (Land) Rover Owners Club, www.mroc.co.uk