wireless charging pad fit | |
Well, yesterday and today I made a wireless charging pad for the inside of the armrest.
A wireless charging module from eBay for ~£15: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/394154413785
A piece of 1.5mm black plastic sheet I had lying around.
A grippy mat from a pack of six from Amazon for ~£7: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07X8XVR5J?psc...t_details.
Removed the tray insert from the middle tray (six Torx screws from underneath. Made a template to drop into the space (below the level of the standard insert's screw posts)
Cut the plastic sheet and a piece of 25mm polystyrene foam for support. Stuck the charging pad in place on the bottom of the plastic sheet using dabs of silicone. Recessed the polystyrene for the charging pad PCB to sit in and glued the plastic sheet to the polystyrene.
Removed the inner cubby from the bottom of the armrest (2 Torx screws at the front then lifts out, disconnecting the iPod/Aux and power outlet as you do so).
Ran cable from the back of the power outlet under the cubby, emerging over the top of the hinge pin. Connected that to the wireless charging pad via solder and heatshrink (visible in pictures).
Templated a mask of a charging 'lightning bolt' symbol and marker lines depicting the location of the charging zone on the grippy pad and sprayed through the mask.
Connect, drop in cubby and secure, lower middle tray, drop in charging pad. Job done.
The charging pad setup with polystyrene and plastic sheet is not fixed in place and is held in by friction of the polystyrene to the tray. Grippy pad holds phone in place during cornering/acceleration/braking.
One hidden wireless fast charger in the armrest!
ETA: At some point I'll buy another middle tray and butcher it to cover the wiring and moulding at the back of the armrest, but it's invisible and will do for now.
![](https://www.fullfatrr.com/gallery/albums/userpics/25742/normal_20230326_105350.jpg) | Click image to enlarge |
![](https://www.fullfatrr.com/gallery/albums/userpics/25742/normal_20230326_105355.jpg) | Click image to enlarge | 2012 (L322) 4.4TDV8 Vogue SE, RSE, Fuji White over Arabica.
Previous V8s: BMW 645Ci, P38 4.6, P38 4.0, Merc CL500
Previous others: Honda x1, Volvo x7, Rover x6, BMW x6, Ford x1, Mercedes x2, Skoda x3, VW x2, Renault x2, Citroen x1, Mazda x3, Nissan x1, Audi x3, Kia x1, Fiat x4, Subaru x3, Austin x2, Triumph x2, Jeep x2, Hyundai x2, Lexus x1, Mitsubishi x1, Saab x2... and some others I've forgotten!