Happy Holidays and pending Happy New Year. So, we’re going to dive into a small handful of deferred maintenance items. Brakes and a trans service, the latter of the two is actually still within the window and strait forward so thats good. Brakes on the other hand is where my question lies. With literally hundreds of brake/rotor choices one can go blurry eyed sifting through all the pros and cons. I looked in several prominent Rover specific places then thought I’d wander over to Rock Auto for no particular reason aside from the fact that I’m a car geek.. Living in Maine is a corrosive existence and I found the attached brake service set. Would anyone have any feedback on the powerstops or in specific the benefits of the coating they apply to these? Thanks in advance. https://www.rockauto.com/en/catalog/land+r...+kit,13824
![](https://www.fullfatrr.com/gallery/albums/userpics/25633/normal_BA1D2019-079F-4DBF-A352-E5AAC6F67D63.png) | Click image to enlarge |
![](https://www.fullfatrr.com/gallery/albums/userpics/25633/normal_37FA4756-A482-405D-A73C-652CBB6117E3.png) | Click image to enlarge | 08 l322 4.4 HSE Black/Jet.