Torsional Vibration Damper | |
I noticed a grinding noise coming from the side of the TD6 and thought it must be a bearing thats shot in either the power steering pump, water pump or the alternator.
This afternoon I removed the radiator cowling and the viscous fan then I removed the G4 sump guard and noticed alot of what looked like iron filings that had collected on it beneath the engine.
I remove the air con drive belt and the noise is still there so that wasn't the problem.
I removed the ancillary drive belt and the noise vertually disapeared which puzzled me a little
I put the ancillary belt back on and fired it up and had a good look and could see a cloud of dust coming from the crankshaft direction.
I removed the belt again and felt round the crankshaft area and the groved bit that the ancillary drive belts sits in was loose and rotating freely
so...... after a good while trying to find the info on RAVE it turns out it is the Torsional Vibration Damper that has disintergrated.
Whilst I was in the engine bay I removed the radiator and the intercooler for a good clean and boy did they need it both were choked with mud from many happy off roading days, problem is that even if you hose the rad area out after a day playing you never really can get in there to do a proper job with out removing the rad each time.
Back to the damper, I rang landrover for a price and was quoted ££366.51+vat hmmmmmm I think thats a tad expensive. I cheekerly ask for the part no and the kind landrover fella obliges ..........
so further googling produces
The OEM part is well better value and comes with the Britpart 24 month warranty so thats the bit on order.
I looked closer at the bolts that secure the damper and they don't have a normal head ! would anyone happen to know what head the bolts do have or if there is a special tool required ?
If I can't located the information I will pop in to the dealers and see what they say , maybe borrow theres for a small fee 