Her indoors has had a Mazda MX6 from new but rarely drives it. It's a long story but I won't bore you with the workings of her mind. So, rather than just doing the 12 mile round trip every year for an MOT, I sort her permission to take it to a car show, mainly to get me out the house. Following a little outing 2 years ago, before covid, I decided to venture out again and last Sun, took it to the Cheshire Classic car show at Capesthorne Hall.
Have stuck some video on the old youtube -
Met a few really interesting enthusiasts there and have been persuaded to take it to a gathering at Tatton Park ( the Passion for Power Car Show, 20-21 August 2022 at Tatton Park, just there on the Sun ) who have accepted my entry on the basis that it is getting pretty rare now.
1t's a 1996 Mazda MX6 2.5 ABS model with the grand total of 38 and a half K on the clock.DVLA seem to think there are just 60 taxed and on the road and a further 147 SORNED as of the first quarter of this year.
Any one else attending ?