i've had a few enquiries about this lens receiving less than glowing reviews by mags etc so i might as well put the record straight?
mag reviews are like assholes - everyone has one!
as a former semi pro photographer i'm well aware of the prejudices of reviewers
firstly, they took an instant dislike to this lens as it was made in taiwan not japan!
but canon were happy to launch it as the standard lens which shows their confidence in the lens?
and yes, their criticisms are valid - BUT they use the same test criteria for a £100 lens as a £3K lens
at 18mm any cheaper lens will struggle at times but if you want a good 18-58mm zoom then you will pay a heavy price - and is your camera body up to the job ?
at 18mm most of the problems are around the 'edges' which photoshop can remove by 'cropping'
and the other 'test criteria' is techno babble that most will not understand
i could put two identical images side by side - one shot with a £100 lens and the other with a £1K lens and most folk would not see a difference
and most amateurs 'shoot' on fully automatic/autofocus settings - ever use a separate light meter?
now bearing in mind most amateurs never print even A4 you can see where i'm coming from?
and then you are limited by your 'so called photo quality' printer
my friend uses this exact same lens and has had two magazine cover images produced
hope this clarifies things