Brown is normally earth, so shouldn't be a problem if swopped.
No idea what the Black Green is.
What model / year is the car ?
If it's as your signature 2007 MY, there appear to be lots of uses for Black / Green, but I can't spot on the diagrams I have it used in combination with those other colours.
Are the Black / Green cables fairly thick ? If yes, might be Front screen wiper blade heater or washer jet heaters (all 2.5mm2 cable) . Its a reaaly common colour for lots of different sensors if 0.5mm2 cable Paul,
2001 Discovery 2 TD5, 211,000 miles & climbing
2006 FFRR TDV8 Vogue 151,000 miles & now sold
Member of Midland (Land) Rover Owners Club,