Hi All
After a quick conflab with Alastair on localish independents to Peterborough I decided to give Nene Overland a bite at fixing a FNS knock on my FFRR and the service I received was good, friendly and efficient. Dropped the car off this morning and expected a lift over to my office but instead was offered a courtesy car (now, I'm not that fussed by what I drive for a couple of miles so long as it's legal and dry so ending up with a Ford Ranger.....to me it got me to my office and back so job done, BUT to some, well, as they say 'it aint no Range Rover'..lol).
Anyway back to the point, they completed the works on time and to the quoted price and also pointed out some ancillary works that should be done but in no way did I feel it was the upsell, just advising me of what needed to be addressed.
£49ph labour, worth giving them a try (although I am sure most here must know about them)...also they seem to have a great stock of Defenders & Disco Commercials.
Thanks Alastair for the initial comunication
Here's a map to help (if required)
