Hi All,
I did search, but for the life of me can't find what I'm after.
I recently changed the transmission oil, pan and sleeve on my FFRR 2007 3.6 TDV8 with the only issue being the filler plug on the side to top the back up (yes I checked it before starting the job).
I resorted to a cold chisel and hammer and managed to free it!
Alas, she is now is bad shape and I'd love to replace that little sod. But for the life of me can't find a part number.
I've found various things and even ordered the wrong part so I'm looking to avoid that.
Can anyone point me in the right direction? I think it's a ZF 6HP on these models that some BMWs also share, do they share the filler plug too or does that vary? I know the pan itself looks identical.
Anyway, can anyone help me?
Much thanks.