TD6 Diesel leak from Fuel pump | |
Hi guys
Recently replaced the electric fuel pump in front of rear wheel. Cured the non starting issue!
2004 L322 TD6
I’ve now got a bad leak of clean fuel from the high pressure main fuel pump on the engine. Car starts and drives fine but leaking bad.
Have had a look today and it looks like a leak from the top of the pump. Matchbox sized “lid” that holds on with 4x Torx by looks. The lid is next to the rubber inlet hose.
Have had a search and there’s a great video of what seal kit to order and how to strip pump down (and removal with £30 tool). It describes the lid as the “head” and has a plunger under it
Has anyone ever removed the fuel pump head whilst pump still on car? Doesn’t look possible?
Video shows the pump removal and seal replacement of the head do-able at home but long and involved.
Attached picture is from eBay (not mine)
Anyone done it?
Tel Accept, some days your the pigeon, some days your the statue!