oil leak on front of 3.6 TDV8 08 L322 | |
I appear to have an ongoing (but steady) leak of engine oil that appears to come from the crankshaft pulley area.
I cannot find any info on steps to remove front pulley (engine in car), and nor can I find any workshop that has replaced a front seal on same engine. they all report never having had to replace one in situ.
The oil only "appears" to come from the crank area as it is then blown/flicked to the aircleaner side (right) of the engine and then starts to spread out onto front right suspension and blows back under right side of underneath car.
I have been told that possible culprit is a "grub screw" on the front of the oil pump above the crank pulley, that can sometimes leak and then dribbles down to the crank and appears to be a crank seal leak.
I am after any detail on locating that grub screw or instructions how to remove the crank pulley, and whether seal can be done withoiut removing all radiators etc..
Local workshop suggests it might be a 10-12 job to get at the crank seal/grub screw, with it needing a full frontal with radiator and condenser etc, removal.
Does anybody have any info on the task of getting at and replacing front seal, or the "grub screw" location?