I've recently removed a 2006 vintage Tracker from our 3.6TDV8.
After checking where the wire ran, it was nowhere near as complicated as I was thinking.
There were actually only 3 connections into the car - Permanent live, Ignition switched Live & an Earth.
Although there were 2 Tracker boxes linked by a multi core cable and with aerial cables - which made it superficially look worse.
Unless yours is linked to the vehicle immobiliser (but why if the car already has the OE immobiliser ?), it should be equally simple.
Just to have the Tracking function it only needs power and an earth connection as a min.
Arming / Disarming would have been done via a remote fob with the wallet style cards / mini tags used for additional Radio Frequency correct driver proximity sensing.
Try and track the various cables back and see what they're connected to.
It may be simpler than you think ! Paul,
2001 Discovery 2 TD5, 211,000 miles & climbing
2006 FFRR TDV8 Vogue 151,000 miles & now sold
Member of Midland (Land) Rover Owners Club, www.mroc.co.uk