If you Google the instruction manual you'll find a copy.
It looks as though you disconnect the grey multiplug to the EGR to make the connection to the Tester.
From the brief view of the instrcutions I saw, it appeared there wasn't a compatible connector with the tester, so you'd end up having to improvise some connections.
You can't really clean the EGR valve components without removing them, so quite a lot of work.
From what I've personally experienced and seen elsewhere, most of the EGR failures are actually electrical rather than sticking valves.
If you've got fault codes / failure symptoms, it might be worth getting a secondahand replacement valve ready to put in to get rid of the fault codes and a blanking kit to remove any risks of EGR mechanical failure causing engine / turbo damage in future. Paul,
2001 Discovery 2 TD5, 211,000 miles & climbing
2006 FFRR TDV8 Vogue 151,000 miles & now sold
Member of Midland (Land) Rover Owners Club, www.mroc.co.uk