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Member Since: 26 Nov 2016
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Stornoway Grey
anyone know about these Special Forces RRC's ?

clicked on this for obvious reasons:

and not far in I see what seems to be a Special Forces RRC being used to spy on Soviet exercises. Stands out a bit in the snow mind. Seems more like a night time paint job if they are going to be covert about it.

Funky roof stuff going on. Wonder what that's all about?

A quick google and found this:

Also, unrelated but interesting: Cheers, Greg
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2011 Vogue SE 4.4 with lots of toys in Stornaway

Last edited by GGDR on 24th Dec 2020 8:37pm. Edited 1 time in total

Post #577119 24th Dec 2020 1:53pm
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Member Since: 29 Dec 2015
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United Kingdom 2005 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Buckingham Blue

I was stationed at RAF Lyneham in the early 70’s and a number of SAS variants popped in from time to time. Each time they arrived via the M4 at speed with a pollce blue light escort through the camp and across the aircraft apron to Hercs waiting just off the runway, engines running and ramps down. The Rangies would drive straight in to the aircraft which would taxi onto the runway even while the ramp was still closing. All very entertaining stuff. I do recall clearly one time when a convoy arrived with 2 Range Rovers and 2 modified 110’s covered with aerials all over them. Never did find what was happening or where the flights were going as they were not listed on the daily flight plans but rumour was the middle east. Who knows. Happy days!

Post #577127 24th Dec 2020 7:16pm
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Member Since: 26 Nov 2016
Location: London
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Stornoway Grey

NobbyC mate cheers for that, better than Christmas Eve telly Thumbs Up

WOW what a Range Rover story.
It puts a new meaning to hot loading

Stan can I nominate it for post of the year?

We see so much of this stuff in films and TV shows but what you described was the real deal, so much to love in your story, esp. the term "Hercs"

. Cheers, Greg
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2011 Vogue SE 4.4 with lots of toys in Stornaway

Post #577131 24th Dec 2020 8:34pm
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Member Since: 26 Nov 2016
Location: London
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Stornoway Grey

oooh dug a bit more and have this:
paragraph in red perfectly describes what NobbyC saw

SAS Range Rovers

2 years after the SAS established its anti-terrorist capability in 1972, the Counter Revolutionary Warfare (CRW) wing initially purchased 6 Range Rovers for the counter terrorism (CT) role. The Range Rovers could be used to covertly move the initial wave of SAS first-responders from Hereford to London, or anywhere else in the country.

They had plenty of cargo space and a tail gate for easy loading/off-loading of gear. The vehicles also had excellent off-road capabilities. If needed they could be tied down to the floor of a C-130 Hercules cargo plane or Chinook helicopter for transportation. Crucially, the Range Rovers could be used during an anti-terrorism operation itself, delivering SAS assault teams right up to a terrorist stronghold.

The initial batch of Range Rovers purchased by the Regiment were standard-spec 2-door versions. In the mid-1980s, 22 SAS purchased many more Range Rovers, this time mostly selecting the 4-door variant. These vehicles would be adapted by Land Rover’s Special Vehicles department and other contractors for their SAS customers.

Modifications included provisions for fitting assault platforms to the Range Rovers. These adjustable ladder assemblies allowed SAS CT operators to access above ground entry points on terrorist strongholds such as 2nd story windows / balconies of buildings or access points on hijacked aircraft. Skirts were also fitted to allow SAS operators to perch on the outside of the vehicle. Range Rovers with such equipment would be able to rapidly approach a stronghold and deliver assault teams to entry points at multiple levels simultaneously.

view image of SAS Ranger Rover being used in the CRW role during training
Click image to enlarge

Other mods included a set of hard-to-spot roll bars fitted inside the vehicle. Discrete amour plating was also installed, as were stabilizer bars, run-flat tyres and wheel and axle guards. The electrical system was upgraded with a split charger that allowed for the use of a second battery, presumably to help power the secure communications equipment carried. Provisions for said radio receivers could be found in the dashboard, along with discrete extra anntennae on the roof. A stalk-mounted map light was availble for use by the front passenger. Switch-activated flashing headlamps and police-style sirens and detachable blue lights were put in for when the vehicles needed to push through traffic. If stealth was required, a switch could disable the vehicle's brake lights and other indicators and select infrared headlights, the beams of which were only visibile through night vision devices. There were secure weapons lockers in the boot and inside the vehicle. The rear seating doubled as additional storage space. A heavy-duty tow bar was also fitted. The extra weight of these addons was off-set by tuned-up V8 diesel engines.

The SAS CRW Wing operated several configurations of Range Rover. The 'Command and Control ' variant would transport the on-site SAS commander and would most likely feature additional communications gear. This vehicle would be in charge of the so-called 'Team' vehicles, which would transport the SAS assaulters and snipers.

Range Rovers were also used by another SAS unit, the Revolutionary Warfare Wing (RWW), otherwise known as 'The Increment'. The RWW directly supports SIS (MI6) operations and its role includes emergency extraction of SIS Intelligence Officers and agents from foreign countries. Former MI6 spy, Richard Tomlinson;s book, The Big Breach, describes a training exercise for a so-called 'hot extraction' in which a MI6 C-130 Hercules aircraft landed at an air strip before deploying a RWW team in a Range Rover.

Aside from small sockets on the bumper for the mounting of assault platforms and perhaps non-standard arials on the roof, the exterior of SAS Range Rovers were visually identical to civilian counterparts.

SAS Land Rover Discoveries

When Land Rover brought out the second-generation (P38A) of Range Rovers in the mid-1990s, 22 SAS decided that the new models, which had been redesigned as upmarket, luxury vehicles, were no longer suitable for their purposes. Before Land Rover finished production of the classic model, the SAS reportedly secured one last batch for themselves.

It is beleived that the Regiment then turned to another Land-Rover-made vehicle, the Discovery. Less flashy, and hence less noticeable, than the 2nd generation Range Rover, the Discovery had many of the same attributes, such as good off-road performance and load-carrying capacity, that made it ideal for SAS work. The Discovery was based on the same chassis and drive train as the Range Rover but was pitched as a more down-market, utility vehicle. Discoveries soon became a common site on Britain's roads.

There is little info in the public domain about the configuration of any SAS Discoveries although it can be speculated that they will have been modified to have similar capabilities as their Range Rover predecessors. Cheers, Greg
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2011 Vogue SE 4.4 with lots of toys in Stornaway

Post #577132 24th Dec 2020 8:43pm
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Member Since: 26 Nov 2016
Location: London
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Stornoway Grey

oh I'm loving how this is panning out:


The professionals
from the earliest days of Range Rover production, the vehicle was selected as a supreme off-roader by Britain’s special forces
‘D Squadron were on the Anti-Terrorist Team. This was lucky because I was looking forward to getting out of the ‘green’ kit and learning a different soldiering skill. As I walked to the Squadron office I could see a building with several garage doors. This must be the place, I thought. The doors were open, it was a hive of activity, blokes running all around the place. Weapons of all descriptions were out on pallets, and equipment I had never seen before was stacked up along the walls. A Range Rover was in every hangar doorway.’
Nigel ‘Spud’ Ely, For Queen and Country
On September 5, 1972, the world watched helplessly as a Palestinian terrorist group massacred Israeli athletes taken hostage in a raid on the competitors’ accommodation at the Munich Olympics. West German police sharpshooters had tried to kill the terrorists in an attempt to prevent them leaving the country with their nine captives, but a lack of training and experience saw the operation turn into a fiasco.
Within days, British Prime Minister Edward Heath and his cabinet had authorised the formation of a specialist army unit to counter any future similar outrage in the UK, and the job was turned over to 22 Regiment of the Special Air Service (22 SAS). This unconventional military formation had already been operating a small ‘Counter Revolutionary Warfare’ cell for a number of years, but the new terrorist situation now allowed them access to all the funding they needed to get the job done. One of their first purchases would be a small fleet of Range Rovers.
Of all the military Land Rover vehicles and variants that I have covered over the last two decades, the SAS Range Rovers have been the most difficult to find accurate information about. The Ministry of Defence has a strict policy of not discussing our Special Forces, of which 22 SAS is just one of a number, and it will neither confirm nor deny just about every question asked on the subject. It also hammers home this message to the many companies which officially supply specialist equipment to these clandestine units, with the result that they too refuse to answer questions point blank, even when the evidence is staring everyone in the face.

snippets of information
As a rule of thumb, whenever I am told by a military sales rep that “our product is used by the SAS”, I take his comments with a shovel of salt, as those who do supply seldom speak about it. However, in a democracy no organisation can maintain complete secrecy, and odd little snippets of information are bound to leak out. Anything you read in this article is based on personal observation or on published facts and photographs, corroborated by conversations on the subject with a number of high profile former SAS troopers and non-commissioned officer authors, who it has been my pleasure to interview over the last five years or so.
The best source of original information on the SAS Range Rovers is former SAS Sergeant Barry Davies who, along with Major Alistair Morrison, helped Germany’s new GSG-9 anti-terrorist unit with the successful operation to free terrorist captives held on a hijacked aircraft at Mogadishu in 1977. In his book Complete Encyclopedia of the SAS Barry says that when the anti-terrorist teams were formed in November 1972: “The government sanctioned the purchase of six Range Rovers, and a team of SAS soldiers was sent to the factory to collect them directly from the assembly line”. At this time, the Range Rover had been in production for under two years, but it had already established a reputation for being the best vehicle for combined on-road and off-road use.

ladder chassis
In most anticipated scenarios the CRW assault teams would need to travel quickly by road to near the scene of an incident, and once there possibly traverse rough or difficult terrain. So the, then new, Range Rover with its powerful V8 engine was simply the only vehicle for the job. As a bonus, because it had a traditional ladder chassis like the Land Rover, it could also be easily lashed down for transportation inside the C-130 Hercules and flown anywhere in the world.
These first six Range Rovers were standard specification two-door vehicles. Although relatively ostentatious, as few of the public were aware of the nature of the SAS in those days, their use did not attract undue attention. However, the London Iranian Embassy siege of 1980 would see Britain’s men in black come to worldwide prominence as they successfully rescued more than twenty hostages and killed five out of six terrorists, under the gaze of television news cameras transmitting live around the globe.
Range Rovers were used to transport the initial response teams, which were literally on standby to move within minutes of an alert, from the regiment’s former headquarters in Hereford to the London incident scene.
In the mid-eighties, the four-door Range Rover was taken on-strength by the regiment, and around about the same time a demountable assault platform and ladder system was added. In a personal photographic collection that I have seen, earlier two-door vehicles can be seen during an aircraft assault training exercise. In this instance, SAS troopers in full riot gear are sitting on the tailgate, carrying loose aluminium ladders to access the fuselage. This method was both basic and time-wasting, so the idea of mounting aluminium bonnet and roof platforms, to which ladders could be securely attached, was conceived.
Later versions of these platforms, which are now used by police and military counter-terrorist teams around the world, would incorporate running boards for personnel to hang onto the sides during fast assaults, banks of ladders to allow aircraft escape doors, low roofs or first floor balconies to be assaulted directly and collapsible guard rails to allow operatives to stand upright atop vehicles moving at high speed. Barry Davies published the best genuine photographs (beware that many other pictures are reconstructions) of Range Rovers with assault platforms fitted in his 1996 book SAS, The Illustrated History. One of these photos, dated 1992, is of a group photo of nineteen personnel sitting on and standing between a pair of black or very dark blue E-registration Range Rovers.

roll cages
Many published sources mention that the SAS Range Rovers were fitted with roll cages. Clearly, as the first vehicles were taken straight from the Solihull production line, they would not have had them fitted as standard, but later batches of vehicles certainly were equipped with internal cages from new. However, these were so discreetly fitted that it is difficult to spot them on photographs, and indeed one writer on this topic in another Land Rover magazine seems not to have even noticed the cage when driving one of them, as he makes no comment whatsoever on this subject. To those who knew what they were looking for, it is the internal roll cage and the bumper mounts for the assault platform, plus occasionally the fitting of discrete extra communications antennae, that gave away the owners of otherwise standard appearance Range Rovers.
As far as can be determined, the last Range Rovers were ordered by the SAS just prior to completion of production of the original shape vehicle. Shortly after this, another road-biased Land Rover variant was officially taken on-strength by the SAS. The reason why this batch of very late model Classics was procured instead of new-shape vehicles is entirely logical. The new P38A was primarily a high specification executive transport, and a pair of these out and about carrying four denim-clad, desert boot shod, moustachioed troopers apiece would have attracted the media spotlight like moths to a candle.
There is probably no way of knowing just how many Range Rovers have been used by the SAS over the past three decades – almost every one of them has been quietly and cautiously disposed of due to the sensitivity of their role. In the late eighties I saw a couple of the two-door versions leading another life in a vehicle depot not too far from the British mainland, and it is possible that others followed this route when their time was up with the Counter Revolutionary Warfare teams, but details of this may not come out in the foreseeable future. However, with the other vehicle model having superseded the Range Rover in the mid-nineties, what we assume to be the final batch of SAS Classics was released for public auction around March 2001. A small number of slightly earlier classics had been sold off prior to this, but the batch of four which came out at BCA Newport has the latest chassis numbers of which LRM is aware.

Classified by the military as Car Utility 4x4 3.9 Litre V8 Petrol Range Rover, the four vehicles bearing the call-signs TAC71 to TAC74 carried military registration numbers in the batch EV70AA to EV73AA, though not in any particular order, and had chassis numbers in the MA662### series. They also had random anonymous-looking civilian number plates, which they would have carried while in the UK. Body colours varied and were standard shades, though not ones current for the Classic series at time of manufacture. Two were blue, one was green and the fourth was red – the latter being Rioja Red Micatallic, to be precise. It is known that Land Rover’s Special Vehicles department did the conversion work. From the release paperwork, we know that the vehicles entered service in early January 1996 and were cast, which is the military term for taken off active service, in late March 2001, having clocked up annual mileages averaging around 10-12,000.
slightly deformed

Other than the two receiving sockets on the bumper, which would have held the support legs for the section of demountable assault platform over the bonnet, there is little external sign that these Range Rovers are anything other than civilian vehicles. The keen eye will spot that the roof gutters are deformed at the points where the roof section of the assault platform was supported, but such deformation could easily have been done by any heavy roof rack. The door panels are also slightly deformed where the struts for the lower ladders would have come in contact. As previously mentioned, the Safety Devices roll cage is sufficiently discreet as to pass almost unnoticed, and the load compartment safety guard can pass for a dog grille.
Less noticeable changes included Southdown steering and axle guards for underside protection and a run-flat tyre system fitted to Discovery wheels. Though disconnected before disposal, the headlights had a police-style occulting switch unit and 120 decibel two-tone horns were fitted. Switches for infrared lights were also fitted, though the lights themselves were removed, and the vehicles also carried twin batteries with a split charging system. One other minor, but very necessary extra, was the stalk-mounted map light for the front passenger. Finally, a heavy duty tow pack and up-rated anti-roll bars were supplied.
With the help of Dave Wilson (EV71AA), who owns the red right hand drive vehicle, we tracked down second owner Ian Birchall (EV70AA), of Tearles Jungle Garage near Preston, and brought two of the four together again for a few hours. At the time a third vehicle (EV72AA) from the batch was being offered for sale by a Hereford garage. We have temporarily lost track of the fourth, but hopefully somebody reading this will be able to put us in touch with the present owner.

Finally, the question you have all been asking – what has been done to these Range Rovers on the performance side? To be frank, we don’t actually know, and to say otherwise would be silly. Even now, nearly two years after release, the engines are remarkably powerful, and they have very evidently been doctored. Dave has added an LPG conversion to his, and in this mode the vehicle is no slouch, but when run on petrol it almost takes off. As Nick is the Rangey expert, having written his first book on the topic when only thirteen and owned a left-hand-drive two-door Range Rover as soon as he was old enough to get it insured, I let him take to the wheel. “Impressive”, was his understated comment as the keys were prised out of his clenched fist at the end of the day.
Unfortunately, the guidelines on reporting Special Forces activities laid down by the Defence Advisory Committee prevent us delving much further into the secretive world in which these vehicles performed. However, it is now no great secret that Britain’s military elite quickly appreciated the benefits of the Range Rover right from the outset, but what is so surprising is that they stayed loyal to the same model for nearly thirty years when they, of all people, had the funding and political clout to procure any vehicle they wanted or needed.
 Cheers, Greg
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2011 Vogue SE 4.4 with lots of toys in Stornaway

Post #577133 24th Dec 2020 9:10pm
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Member Since: 16 Mar 2019
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United Kingdom 

The Range Rover in the film is a Brixmis one. Brixmis were not SAS or any other sort of 'special forces'. Officers and NCOs attached to the British Mission in East Berlin came from a wide variety of Army and Air Force units and it was just another (though highly interesting and dangerous) extra-regimental posting.

Post #577135 24th Dec 2020 9:55pm
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England 2012 Range Rover Autobiography TDV8 Santorini Black

GGDR wrote:
oooh dug a bit more and have this:
paragraph in red perfectly describes what NobbyC saw

SAS Range Rovers

2 years after the SAS established its anti-terrorist capability in 1972, the Counter Revolutionary Warfare (CRW) wing initially purchased 6 Range Rovers for the counter terrorism (CT) role. The Range Rovers could be used to covertly move the initial wave of SAS first-responders from Hereford to London, or anywhere else in the country.

They had plenty of cargo space and a tail gate for easy loading/off-loading of gear. The vehicles also had excellent off-road capabilities. If needed they could be tied down to the floor of a C-130 Hercules cargo plane or Chinook helicopter for transportation. Crucially, the Range Rovers could be used during an anti-terrorism operation itself, delivering SAS assault teams right up to a terrorist stronghold.

The initial batch of Range Rovers purchased by the Regiment were standard-spec 2-door versions. In the mid-1980s, 22 SAS purchased many more Range Rovers, this time mostly selecting the 4-door variant. These vehicles would be adapted by Land Rover’s Special Vehicles department and other contractors for their SAS customers.

Modifications included provisions for fitting assault platforms to the Range Rovers. These adjustable ladder assemblies allowed SAS CT operators to access above ground entry points on terrorist strongholds such as 2nd story windows / balconies of buildings or access points on hijacked aircraft. Skirts were also fitted to allow SAS operators to perch on the outside of the vehicle. Range Rovers with such equipment would be able to rapidly approach a stronghold and deliver assault teams to entry points at multiple levels simultaneously.

view image of SAS Ranger Rover being used in the CRW role during training
Click image to enlarge

Other mods included a set of hard-to-spot roll bars fitted inside the vehicle. Discrete amour plating was also installed, as were stabilizer bars, run-flat tyres and wheel and axle guards. The electrical system was upgraded with a split charger that allowed for the use of a second battery, presumably to help power the secure communications equipment carried. Provisions for said radio receivers could be found in the dashboard, along with discrete extra anntennae on the roof. A stalk-mounted map light was availble for use by the front passenger. Switch-activated flashing headlamps and police-style sirens and detachable blue lights were put in for when the vehicles needed to push through traffic. If stealth was required, a switch could disable the vehicle's brake lights and other indicators and select infrared headlights, the beams of which were only visibile through night vision devices. There were secure weapons lockers in the boot and inside the vehicle. The rear seating doubled as additional storage space. A heavy-duty tow bar was also fitted. The extra weight of these addons was off-set by tuned-up V8 diesel engines.

The SAS CRW Wing operated several configurations of Range Rover. The 'Command and Control ' variant would transport the on-site SAS commander and would most likely feature additional communications gear. This vehicle would be in charge of the so-called 'Team' vehicles, which would transport the SAS assaulters and snipers.

Range Rovers were also used by another SAS unit, the Revolutionary Warfare Wing (RWW), otherwise known as 'The Increment'. The RWW directly supports SIS (MI6) operations and its role includes emergency extraction of SIS Intelligence Officers and agents from foreign countries. Former MI6 spy, Richard Tomlinson;s book, The Big Breach, describes a training exercise for a so-called 'hot extraction' in which a MI6 C-130 Hercules aircraft landed at an air strip before deploying a RWW team in a Range Rover.

Aside from small sockets on the bumper for the mounting of assault platforms and perhaps non-standard arials on the roof, the exterior of SAS Range Rovers were visually identical to civilian counterparts.

SAS Land Rover Discoveries

When Land Rover brought out the second-generation (P38A) of Range Rovers in the mid-1990s, 22 SAS decided that the new models, which had been redesigned as upmarket, luxury vehicles, were no longer suitable for their purposes. Before Land Rover finished production of the classic model, the SAS reportedly secured one last batch for themselves.

It is beleived that the Regiment then turned to another Land-Rover-made vehicle, the Discovery. Less flashy, and hence less noticeable, than the 2nd generation Range Rover, the Discovery had many of the same attributes, such as good off-road performance and load-carrying capacity, that made it ideal for SAS work. The Discovery was based on the same chassis and drive train as the Range Rover but was pitched as a more down-market, utility vehicle. Discoveries soon became a common site on Britain's roads.

There is little info in the public domain about the configuration of any SAS Discoveries although it can be speculated that they will have been modified to have similar capabilities as their Range Rover predecessors.

I can't tell you how or why I know but I CAN confirm that 22 SAS moved to Discovery's after the P38 was introduced.

Dunc. The life you have is the only one you'll get; make the most of it.
2012 4.4 TDV8 L322 Autobiography
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Post #577140 25th Dec 2020 12:26am
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Member Since: 29 Dec 2015
Location: Princes Risborough
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United Kingdom 2005 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Buckingham Blue

Greg thought you might like these shots of a late military classic (note the roof aerials I mentioned before) and also a pic of the Chocolate bombers or cadbury kites as the Hercs were affectionately known by some
Happy Xmas

Post #577182 25th Dec 2020 6:23pm
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Member Since: 26 Nov 2016
Location: London
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Stornoway Grey

Oh that's brilliant mate!

@Stan, you copy this?

Thanks Dunc too Thumbs Up
We all want to ask!!

Merry Christmas guys

. Cheers, Greg
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2011 Vogue SE 4.4 with lots of toys in Stornaway

Post #577183 25th Dec 2020 6:25pm
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Member Since: 26 Nov 2016
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Stornoway Grey

Also found this:

In the 1970s the Range Rover was selected as the ‘Touring Jeep'. It became a particular favourite for the RAF element as its height enabled it to be concealed amongst bushes and low trees, but still provide a good observation platform through the sunroof, from which to observe Soviet air activity some distance away. The Range Rover was also fitted with a power winch, which made self-recovery from boggy ground a much easier task than that faced by Senator crews who used a hand operated winch.

Unfortunately, Range Rovers were drafty and froze up on the inside during the cold East German winters, they filled up with dust in the summer, and they were thirsty on fuel. They were also mechanically highly unreliable, and in the opinion of many tourers they were fine for cutting a dash at a Home Counties gymkhana, but not much use as a real cross country vehicle.

I'm seeing more of that funky roof in the pic shown... but have a read of the whole link as they talk about AWD Opel Admirals Senators fitted with Ferguson Formula (FF) four-wheel drive. Need to google that sub-topic!

. Cheers, Greg
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2011 Vogue SE 4.4 with lots of toys in Stornaway

Post #577184 25th Dec 2020 6:30pm
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Member Since: 29 Dec 2015
Location: Princes Risborough
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United Kingdom 2005 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Buckingham Blue

The P38 was more of a luxury vehicle than utility like the classic. Plus more complex bits they could do without. The Disco was far better suited - same chassis and drivetrain with 3.9v8 bags of loadspace and easy access/egress which was welcome plus very able off road. Also Discos became a relatively common site world wide so bit of a no brainer really

Post #577185 25th Dec 2020 6:35pm
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Ireland 2015 Range Rover Autobiography SDV8 Corris Grey

I saw a documentary about Ross kemp when he served in the SAS before he became an actor and they drove discovery's in some of the episodes. He seems to be a double hard basta@d if that fly on the wall documentary is anything to go by Thumbs Up 2015 4.4 AB
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Post #577195 25th Dec 2020 9:09pm
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Spain 2011 Range Rover Vogue TDV8 Stornoway Grey

Cracking thread!

Post #577216 26th Dec 2020 10:36am
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United Kingdom 

Not forgetting the very first use of a Range Rover by the military. Sadly, Dave Fletcher (2nd from left) passed away in 2013.

Click image to enlarge

Post #577218 26th Dec 2020 10:45am
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