Snow - Leader Of The Pack | |
Few vids of playing in the last lot of snow - the hill was way steeper than it looked, honest!
If you check out the HDC ones and see the lines left in the snow as the wheels lock and then release, it really had its work cut out on the ice. At one pointI span 360 whilst coming down the hill and l ended up pointing the same way, I made the mistake of leaving DSC off as I had to turn it off to get up the hill.
Without the gadgets, I really wouldnt want to have driven over 2 tons of car up or down a sheet ice hill with a spattering of snow over it. As it happens neither the Defender, Freelander, Disco, Vitara or 08 Cherokee managed to get up, I was the only one up there that evening!
Up Hill
Down Hill
Hill Decent Control working overtime
