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Matt Pearce

Member Since: 10 Jan 2018
Location: Bedfordshire
Posts: 25

United Kingdom 2003 Range Rover HSE Td6 Oslo Blue

Hey Greame , sounds like something worth trying, unfortunately i removed the ABS module last thing yesterday to send it off for refurbishing... ( i had changed it previously with a second hand one from ebay but since have had doubts @bout how sound the replacement is.. mainly because sometimes i get the K bus not functioning fault when i plug in my All Comms diagnostics along with the main high volts fault..
and i know the ABS ECU can cause some Bizarre problems including Can and K bus faults symtoms.

This could connect with your idea about the possible ABS wheel sensor .. what do you think..

i can easil6 stick the Abs unit back on and try it..
coulnt i just take off the ABS sensor and see if the volts on the FL height sensor changes?

ive also ordered a ‘short harness replacement’ including the plug and earth which goes on to the ABS ECU ( £90 +)
after reading that these sometimes break down especially on a car as old as mine ( 2003)

Bloody hell reading back its like ive just trying everything.. instarted out so measured and rational..

Post #466317 28th Jan 2018 9:54am
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Matt Pearce

Member Since: 10 Jan 2018
Location: Bedfordshire
Posts: 25

United Kingdom 2003 Range Rover HSE Td6 Oslo Blue

Just also to say..
i did connect the LF sensor directly to the ECU right at the ECU itself ( and the existing sensor leads isolated but the high volts were still there..

Post #466324 28th Jan 2018 10:46am
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Member Since: 06 Mar 2015
Location: Wagga area
Posts: 2600


My thought was to unplug the abs sensor so that it doesn't generate any pulses. However your last comment regarding isolating the sensor wires from the ecu indicates that the fault is not with the wiring between the ecu and the sensor, instead within the suspension ecu.

Post #466334 28th Jan 2018 11:35am
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Matt Pearce

Member Since: 10 Jan 2018
Location: Bedfordshire
Posts: 25

United Kingdom 2003 Range Rover HSE Td6 Oslo Blue

Th@nks for this Graeme,

yeah i bit the bullet yesterday so as to eliminate the wiring

i am thinking hard @bout another Ecu now..the main problem is that i just dont know if i need to have it re coded to get it wo4king or it should b3 plug in and play..

who ever i ask says something different..
there was a new one fir sale on ebay, so 8 asken them if i would need to get it coded
and the reply was that i need to findout for myself ( so i forgot them)
Its hard to see beyond the The ecu now though..but if i go to an independent garage they are probably gonna fiit a new one for around £550 plus the labour and VAT. but ultimately i need to get the RR going.
im getting very little esle done..

Post #466396 28th Jan 2018 8:55pm
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Member Since: 06 Mar 2015
Location: Wagga area
Posts: 2600


Providing that you isolated the correct set of sensor wires from the ecu (pin 25 slate/white, pin 32 slate/blue, pin 43 slate/brown) when determining that the sensor faults were still occurring, its hard to conclude that the cause could be anything other than a faulty ecu.

A used ecu may work even though coded with a different vin. Its not as though you would be replacing an engine immobiliser module that presumably must match the ecm. I fitted a rear diff control module from a D4 to my MY12 RR without any problems with mismatched vins.

Post #466410 28th Jan 2018 11:19pm
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Matt Pearce

Member Since: 10 Jan 2018
Location: Bedfordshire
Posts: 25

United Kingdom 2003 Range Rover HSE Td6 Oslo Blue

Thanks Graeme, i got the colours ok. but also i had my live feed ( from the Carsoft i930) working so i could see the volts and height as i disconnected them etc..

It is hard to see past the ECU isnt it.. i have ordered a used one from Germany but this time ive taken more trouble with the code instead of just buying one from ebay that said for a L322 02-06..
Thanks again for thinking it through for me, it really helps..

Post #466432 29th Jan 2018 9:40am
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Member Since: 21 May 2016
Location: Ontario, Canada.
Posts: 10

United Kingdom 2003 Range Rover HSE Td6 Epsom Green

Good Day Matt

I feel the pain you felt!... spooky too, I could have told your story.

Can I, ask did you come to any conclusion? the thread seems to have stopped at point.

Hope it is happy days

03 RHD RR Td6

Post #561593 15th Jul 2020 3:44pm
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Matt Pearce

Member Since: 10 Jan 2018
Location: Bedfordshire
Posts: 25

United Kingdom 2003 Range Rover HSE Td6 Oslo Blue

Hey Mark, sorry if it’s taken time to get back to you...
I have @ctuallu now sold the RR ( just a couple of months ago) but basically yeah, I completely drove myself crazy trying to sort this fault. Crazy high voltage reading on front left height sensor.
Sorry if I’m repeating myself but basically, no matter how hard I reached out no one had an answer to why this was happening except obviously silly answers must be the sensor, poor quality sensor, Air sus brain box ( forgot the n@me)
Andit was none of these.( the main dealer was exactly the same.. clueless except for suggesting I change all the items. Had previously changed. Useless all of them.
Just to re iterate..
The big problem really is that as soon as you record a fault on one of the height or speed sensors it straight away
Throws up the 3 amigos ( warning lights on the dash and of course inactive suspension and no ABS.
All due The the fact that Canbus System links the ABS and Air Sus.
I had, over the course of a couple of years changed the ABS Brain and other bits in the ABS system, including the whole wiring loom along with the multi plug that connects to the ABS unit..The Air sus Brainbox , various different makes of height sensors from £20 to £75..The upper and lower front suspension arms ( both sides)
On advise of a few RR dealerships), The front Air suspension units, the both speed sensors
All Made no difference,
In the end I kind of just put up with the lights coming on, but slowly the interval between the lights coming on got less and less, but after all this I could never sit in the car without continually just waiting for these damn light to appear.

The one thing I learnt was Though that even when the warning lights were not up the extremely high volts on this left had side sensor stayed the same.. ( I could check this live with my icarsoft 930 ? Diagnostic unit)
I eventually concluded that this fault is an inherent intermittent fault in the Canbus warning system, ( early L322 design floor) and not an actual fault in any car component ( pretty ironic really)

As many people have said before me, slowly all the @bove bleed away so much money from my funds, it became a bit of a joke with my family, luckily my wife has a horse so she couldn’t moan too much ( horses are just as bad). Really!

Sorry for the massive Pre amble, but I had the RR for about 9 years and really loved the car and actually never gave up because apart from anything else I knew I couldn’t sell the car with this kind of issue..
Anyway, finally the lights became less and less frequent, and if they did come up during a trip out, I would just delete the
Faults and often they would stay away for the whole of the remainder of the trip..
Sometimes I would be free of warning lights for a week or more whilst doing local trips etc. But th3n just as I started to think
It was sorted and I would start to theorise, up would come the lights once more.
Mark i bet you are sorry you woke me up.!!
Anyway I hope you managed to solve your issues and the very best of luck if you haven’t managed to.

The funny thing is you would think I’d learnt my lesson, but no, I now have a Maserati Quattroporte!
Which are notoriously difficult to live with.
And although it has a very comprehensive Ferrari service history and so far no problems!
I think it’s because I am honestly a bit Thick.. very very slow to learn type!!

Kindest regards to you Mark and all L322 owners..

We still have a Land Rover Discovery 3 ( LR 3) but this is a bit younger than the RR was and seems far less
Sensitive on the Air Sus side of things..

Stay safe..👍

Post #561633 15th Jul 2020 9:46pm
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Member Since: 21 May 2016
Location: Ontario, Canada.
Posts: 10

United Kingdom 2003 Range Rover HSE Td6 Epsom Green

Heya Matt

Thanks for the feedback And sorry for the shake.

It is frustrating, my dealers can't help at all, their T4's have been updated so many times they won't even read my car! plus their eyes roll back when they see a UK RHD Td6 (never sold here in Canada). I don't have the exact same issue as you, but by the end of this week will have replaced all but the ABS module. EAS Module/height sensors, Yaw sensor, speed sensors, Lighting Modules. I certainly know what isn't the issue unless of course, LRParts sold me crap parts! which I now believe has a high probability! reading some blogs.

I will drop you a line when/if I figure it out.

Mark Brit in Canada
RHD 03 FF Td6
LDH 03 FF 4.4

Post #562357 22nd Jul 2020 2:43pm
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Matt Pearce

Member Since: 10 Jan 2018
Location: Bedfordshire
Posts: 25

United Kingdom 2003 Range Rover HSE Td6 Oslo Blue

Hey Mark,
Really sorry to hear what you been through, of course the very nature of being left to stew means inevitably we do Strat to question even theparts we have changed..

Once I’d done this I sure that it might be in the cable loom feeding The ABS ECU unit with the multi plug connection.
Under the hood.. took ages to splice all the separate wires in beforethe loom runs down the inside of the to the
Window washer bottle.

Anyway please do keep me posted.. as said with mine the sensor volts never did reduce, but it did get vet slowly longer @nd longer between the warning light# coming up.

And Actually I did keep reading at different times that often taking the car on a fairly long drive / trip somehow beds in the
Replacement parts..

One thing for sure, probably the most annoying thing in it all ther3 is @bsolutely no Range Rover font of wisdom you c@n go to for a consistent diagnosis.

Very best wishes,. Matt.

Post #562390 22nd Jul 2020 7:52pm
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