After 4 and a bit years, my cranking battery is struggling so time for a new one. Std battery here in Oz was $300 so looked at a few options. We have loads of second-hand AGM batteries for sale here in Perth as they are used as a backup in industry and swapped every 2 years regardless. I contacted a seller and he had This bad boy, The Deka Intimidator, for A$125 so after a measure up decided it would fit with no mods. The Length and width were within 1mm of standard but 25 mm higher. Yes, it went in perfectly and power better than spec. Car fires up with gusto like never before 2007 TDV8 VSE
2003 TD6 gone.
2002 P38a gone
1999 P38a gone
1997 p38a gone
1993 VSE gone
1992 VSE gone
1966 Series 2a with V8 conversion gone