Sell the FF and buy a Volvo (see Joe90 ) and anyway most whining noises come from the passenger seat, divorce helps with that. Mind if you've got her trained into the passenger well you're on a winner.
Serioiusly there's a workshop manual in the Wiki and if you continue searching then you will find someone has done the job. Also are you sre all the old oil from the leaking oil cooler gaskets has been cleane off? Perhaps a good place to start. Oh, and was the small oil pipe in the rear of the block near that fitted with new O rings?
When the car is cold in the morning can you hear the whine and does it go on for a few moments if you shut down the car and listen? (berfore you drive off) Cheers
(there are no such things as an ordinary FullFat, an ordinary cat or too many tools)
2011 TDV8 Vogue Santorini Black