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Member Since: 26 Feb 2019
Location: Kent
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United Kingdom 2002 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Bonatti Grey
Prepping for android install - antennas help 2002-2005

I'm going to do an android install for my 2002 and ordering he bits I need.
Can anyone advise with using the original GPS roof antenna, and antenna for a DAB stick.

The Xtrons head unit kit does come with a GPS antenna that I believe will work simply plugged in and living under the dash cover, but seems better to run a cable to the original roof mounted one while everything is apart.

The DAB stick does come with a glass mount antenna for the front screen, but lead to believe these are generally rubbish and even worse on heated from screens, as well as looking naff. Am I correct in thinking the the TV antenna in the rear side screen(s) can be used for this ?
Looking at the TV box, there are two leads for either side taking a signal ? Is there a way to utilise these ?
The DAB aspect is the main reason for upgrading , so would like this to be working as best as possible.

As you I may have given away, I'm a bit clueless to this kinda stuff, so any simple help is appreciated.

This pic has the old Parrot kit being removed, hence the wiring mess.

Post #519992 28th Jun 2019 10:04pm
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Member Since: 26 Feb 2019
Location: Kent
Posts: 196

United Kingdom 2002 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Bonatti Grey

The main parts I need are all here now, so was keen to try it out. Since you don't use the wiring to the original head unit, it perfectly possible to get everything working and checked before you rip the dash and trim apart , or worse stick it all back and find you've got a problem.

With the IBUS-app and Resler stick wired in , it was pretty simple to download the app and get everything working. This overcomes the DSP amp problem and lets the speakers do their thing.
So with a quick check using a CD to make sure all was good, I could use the antenna lead from the BM54 with an extension cable to the head unit, to check the FM radio was working.

The GPS cable supplied was plugged in and working fine on Google maps. In the pic you can see a reverse cam being powered a power supply to replicate it being wired to the reverse lights, and coming on when receiving power and switching the screen over, and back when no power.

The DAB antenna that came with the DAB stick was plugged in and a DAB app downloaded. This did work, but not that great, partly due to the location on the car in a courtyard area surrounded by tall buildings ( I'm guessing this is the cause )
and the ground strap not being used. I did drive the car to a more open area and it did work OK - finally, can have Planet Rock playing in the FF !

So the bulk of it is ready to go and is a case of setting a day aside to remove all the trim. I'd still like to figure out the GPS and DAB antennas if anyone can help with that. The GPS would probably be OK being under the dash, but the DAB I want as best as can be, which isn't the supplied stick-on antenna.

Post #520034 29th Jun 2019 4:10pm
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Member Since: 27 Apr 2019
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United Kingdom 

This looks exactly like what im going to be doing. Your boot space looked just like mine with years worth of dodgy wiring to remove. Can you send me a link to the head unit / kit that uve got there please as it looks great. what head unit did you have up front that you are replacing? mines a 2004 vogue and would like to keep the speakers and sub if possible...

Post #520292 1st Jul 2019 9:04pm
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Member Since: 26 Feb 2019
Location: Kent
Posts: 196

United Kingdom 2002 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Bonatti Grey

It's the previous model to the current one on sale and the one recommended by I-BUS ap to avoid any problems with integration.
It was half the price and does what I need to the current xtrons PB7839BIP unit.
You will need the I-BUS ap and stick and DSP license. You'll also need the 6m extension cable.
Check the I-BUS ap wiki page and they have a video on connecting the Resler stick to the unit unit lead Xtrons supply.
Once that is wired in, remove the plug from the BM54 radio unit, connect the extension lead to the radio loom.
With this done you can now power up the unit and download the ap and get the speakers working. Plug in GPS lead and any extras. I had an extension lead I could run the FM antenna to on the existing loom. Not sure what the connection is up front.

Post #520353 2nd Jul 2019 1:52pm
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