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Member Since: 07 Mar 2019
Location: Warwickshire
Posts: 136

United Kingdom 2014 Range Rover Vogue SE SDV8 Corris Grey
Deliberating over a 4.4 VSE

Hello all, newboy here, so please be gentle Smile

I've been looking for a "new" car to go touring (UK and Europe) this year and on.
My local non-franchise dealer has a 64 plate RR 4.4 TDV8 that is keenly priced (not his usual bag so keen to shift it).
I've driven it and absolutely love the way it rides and handles.

Its a 1-owner from new, with full main dealer service - it currently has 82000 mies on the clock.
I've been offered a 3-year comprehensive extended warranty on top for £500 in-all which seems to be a good deal too.

My quandry?
Well, i've had big expensive cars in the past - biggest/baddest being my Audi S8 (4.2 VCool that i had for 3 years, and put 80k miles on it. Cost me an arm/leg/lung in running costs (and a few dodgy failures) but was a joy.
I'm keen to see the same joy with the RR, but would ideally not like to see it spending much time in the garage.

So... what is there to be aware of as gotchas?
I see from reading this forum that there seems to be a turbo oil drain issue?? given the age of this car and the miles, not sure if it affects this one or not.
All the electric toys work on it. My only worry would be from things like the air suspension (we had that fail on another Audi we had - an A6 allroad) so know how expensive it could be to fix.

Anything else to be aware of?
I'd like to think it would be a good buy to take on our tour of scotland and europe later this year without worry.

If it helps - my car search has narrowed down to either this RR, or a Merc AMG C43 estate - totally different vehicles, but similar spec and money...Mrs C wants the RR for the comfort (bad back and all).

Post #507789 7th Mar 2019 2:49pm
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Member Since: 02 Feb 2017
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United Kingdom 2016 Range Rover Autobiography SDV8 Loire Blue

I can totally vouch for the comfort and if you are into long journeys then I think you will struggle to do better.

Others may be able to comment in more detail on the fact pattern of this car. For me however the biggest question is the robustness of the comprehensive warranty at £500. I'd want to make sure it didn't have significant exclusions and didn't preclude you from using repair agents of your choice. 2016 SDV8 AB

Post #507840 7th Mar 2019 5:23pm
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Member Since: 03 Feb 2011
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United Kingdom 2015 Range Rover Autobiography 5.0 SC V8 Santorini Black

Ive had the SDV8 and its got a fair lump of turbo lag, suspension was all changed at 50k miles, front diff changed, door locks failed so couldn’t actually close the door it just swang in the opening, dealer service was poor and I always tried to find ways to make ot ride flatter and feel more nimble, but failed.

You mention higher performance cars, Ive been there, just sold a GL63 AMG for a Supercharged because the RR is a great car but it doesnt do higher performance well and thats the sacrifice. A Sport is an alternative but didnt suit me so went for my 5th FFRR over the years.

Do I miss the ride, acceleration, braking, noise etc of my AMG, oh yes, more than I expected, but the RR is better at interior quality, people appreciate it more and its a lovely serene ride. So, do you want S8, AMG (well half a one lol) or do you want the softness and comforting ride of the RR.

They say once you’ve had one you always come back and I always do but for the kind of car you also mention here, the RR will frustrate you.

All high end cars can cost the earth in repairs and running costs, Ive owned a wide variety and all about the same, but LR dealer network is mostly worst of these high wnd brands. Thankfully we have this forum

Let us know what you do


Post #507842 7th Mar 2019 5:27pm
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Member Since: 16 Jul 2010
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If you plan to go touring this is the best car by far and the only car I would consider if it were me, a great choice. Here’s my concern.

82,000 miles, 64 plate would concern me in terms of parts failure when I’m afraid the Land Rover Warranty (it’s not Land Rover in most cases, but a third party) try their upmost to refuse to cover anything. In my experience, the build quality is just not there for long term reliability, compared to say Volkswagon Group or BMW.

But we all know that and we still buy them, me included Laughing Buy one, tour with it, have fun in style and comfort but be prepared..... Current MY2020
Gone: 1 x L405 and 2 x L322's

Post #507872 7th Mar 2019 7:59pm
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Member Since: 10 Dec 2009
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United Kingdom 2002 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Tangiers Orange

The 4.4L SDV8 is fantastic for transcontinental trips - or the local shopping.

I would focus on service history more than anything else and require an LR warranty, the £500 one will most likely come with so many restrictions in the leaflet that you'll soon understand it won't cover much.

The fuel cooler and the lower suspension arms are the only common problem on the SDV8, so ask if these have been done recently. They cost +£1000 each to sort so not the end of the world, but not cheap either.
Trouble is if it leaks oil, you won't see it until you've taken the plastic trim underneath. Get it checked first ideally. the lower suspension arms will knock so drive it with the windows downs and you'll know soon enough. Again, expect £1000 for both inc fitting, VAT and 4 wheels alignment.

Now mileage is not a matter as long as you've got a proper service history. There are
+200.000 miles SDV8 L405s out there, not many SDV6s, but that's another subject!

There are plenty of L405s on the market, so take your time to choose wisely. Thumbs Up l=Oo\________/oO=l l:OolΞΞΞΞΞΞΞloO:l

RANGE ROVER Vogue 4.4L SDV8 - 2013 - Indus Silver, on Almond.
RANGE ROVER Vogue 4.4L V8 - 2002 - ex-2003 G4 Challenge Event Vehicle, Stage 3: Australia
RANGE ROVER HSE 4.4L V8 - 2004 - one-of-one Overfinch
RANGE ROVER P38a 4.0L V8 - 1999 - ex-2000 TReK Event Vehicle: South Africa

RANGE ROVER Vogue 4.4L TDV8 - 2012 - RANGE ROVER 3.6L TDV8 x3 - RANGE ROVER Td6 x1 - RANGE ROVER Classic 3.5L V8 x1

Post #507875 7th Mar 2019 8:16pm
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Andy B

Member Since: 03 Apr 2012
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As per previous comments, I would check for exclusions on that warranty as £500 sounds a bit 'inexpensive' and ensure the Service History is good. As for the car, I've only had mine about a year and despite my reservations about moving from a great couple of petrol S/C L322's to an oil burner, I still think it's the dogs danglies. The standard torque is around 740nm from 1750 to 2250 RPM and it goes like a stabbed rat Laughing SDV8 AB MY 2019
SDV8 VSE MY 2015 - Gone
5.0 S/C AB MY 2010 - Gone
4.2 S/C VSE MY 2006 - Gone

Post #507880 7th Mar 2019 8:56pm
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Member Since: 07 Mar 2019
Location: Warwickshire
Posts: 136

United Kingdom 2014 Range Rover Vogue SE SDV8 Corris Grey

Thanks all for the feedback.

The extended warranty does not restrict on who does the work - in fact when i supplied the info for the quote, one of the things i was told was that they would have to factor in the increased labour rates charged by garages that work on Land/Range Rovers!
Warranty is beings supplied by a company called Law Data (Law Data Warranty) - the list of "inclusions" is fairly comprehensive:

    Timing Belts (assume would cover Chain?)
    Auto Gearbox
    Cooling Systems
    Aircon failure (not re-gassing)
    Wheel Bearings
    Drive system
    Electrics (kind of think this is appropriate given what is in it)

PLus also covers Satnav systems, Multi-media/sound, DPF, Cat, Batteries

The only call out on the warranty is limit on a per-claim basis - £2000 - so in my book, something like a total engine failure is going to blow that budget!

AS for comments on missing the performance car feel - to be fair i've been there and done that, and kind of got it out of my system now that i've hit my 50's Smile Having lost my licence once in my life (through speeding) i'm reluctant to go through it again.

Car has full service history (main dealer) - i've seen all the paper work for it. Most of the mileage has been cruising mileage rather than town driving (the owner has traded it in for a brand new RR so he must like them too).

Mrs C loves the car, and to be fair i have warmed to it over a 2nd test drive - agree that i think it will be the best bet for touring - and so i am going down to slap my deposit down on it this morning.

I look forward to joining the clan as an owner Smile


Post #507928 8th Mar 2019 9:31am
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Member Since: 07 Mar 2019
Location: Warwickshire
Posts: 136

United Kingdom 2014 Range Rover Vogue SE SDV8 Corris Grey

As an update to my own post
Warranty claim limit is £2500 not £2000
And i'm free to take it to whichever dealer i wish - so if the claim goes over that limit then its down to me for the excess.

I guess it means i can chose a preferred dealer/independent if needs be - should i need it!

Post #507956 8th Mar 2019 11:51am
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Mr Tee

Member Since: 13 Dec 2010
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Scotland 2019 Range Rover SVAutobiography 5.0 SC V8 Waitomo Grey

Hey Crasher, my tuppence mate:

was in an identical situation tail end of last year, a 78k mile 2014MY sdv8. Was out of extended warranty by 1 month and had all MD stamps in the book, condition was immaculate. I've gone for a good warranty from the Quentin Wilson mob, don't regret it one bit. Apart from not buying one with a tow bar, different story. As del boy says you only live once..

Post #507972 8th Mar 2019 2:19pm
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Member Since: 21 Oct 2012
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United Kingdom 

One owner, full history... why not. Enjoy, especially at a keen price.

Consider an upgraded warranty, at least on renewal. Or self-fund by putting a few grand in a rainy day car fund and assume it’s spent already.

Thumbs Up

Post #508028 8th Mar 2019 9:46pm
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Member Since: 07 Mar 2019
Location: Warwickshire
Posts: 136

United Kingdom 2014 Range Rover Vogue SE SDV8 Corris Grey

Thanks all for the replies (and the welcome).

Monies handed over - Tax and insurance sorted - pick it up Wednesday morning.
Can't wait.


Post #508281 11th Mar 2019 2:01pm
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