Cracked it!
As implausible as it sounds, all faults were caused by the webasto FBH. I tried to think of what events took place before the faults first occurred, and I could only come up with one: I had replaced the FBH shortly before. The original one was smoking badly and kept going out, so I bought a used one off ebay, overhauled it and installed it in place of the original. It worked perfectly. I did notice that it had been removed from a different vehicle, an X5 I believe, but it did everything it should. Yesterday, after trying most everything else, I dove in and disconnected the cables from it, put the battery back in the car and hey presto! Everything back to normal. The list of things that were affected is long:
- Steering lock failing to engage / disengage
- Steering wheel not retracting after engine shut-off
- Power steering heavy
- One-touch driver's window lift inoperative
- Remote lock/unlock intermittent
- Wipers on timed interval in 1st and 2nd pos on the stalk, slow continuous on 3rd. Correct operation is 1: rain sensor, 2: slow cont., 3: fast cont.
- Battery drain in 2 days
Probably some more I can't think of at the moment.
It doesn't make any sense at all, but it is what it is.
So, if you have odd problems which the dealer fails to diagnose and cure, try disconnecting your FBH before you start throwing parts and money away.