On the L322 rear suspension, it is only the upper and lower hub bushes that usually wear/ fail according to my local LR main dealer. That has also been my experience. My hub upper and lower rear bushes have been replaced at 145,000 miles. It became noticeable when driving as vagueness and wandering of the steering but only in certain road conditions, undulating roads and corners. I had mine replaced at local LR dealer. They didn't remove the whole wishbone.
Just previously, I also had the two new front lower arms on the fronts done as they were worn on inspection, by a local mechanic, but he didn't want to tackle the rears as the bushes are hard to remove. Changing the fronts didn't fix the wandering steering effect! It was changing the rears that fixed it.
The wear/ failure was an acute problem, in that it suddenly started to be noticeable in the vehicle handling and steering. Now the parts have all been replaced the vehicle drives good, but is not noticeably better than it was before I started to have an issue. I, therefore, wouldn't advise changing bushes, or arms that haven't yet failed or aren't worn, as some of them will last the lifetime of the whole vehicle.