My left rear lamp had about half inch of water in it for the past few weeks, ever since I changed the DI weather nice this weekend have a look, noticed as I opened the tailgate water ran down the left hand side channel and pooled on top of the lamp a bit, so lamp out but couldn’t see a crack or broken seal but upon up endingnthe lamp drops of water started dripping slowly out from the top of the lamp corner nearest the tailgate (lamp upside down), so must be a slight gap there, ordered some black Dow Corning silicone sealant and put the lamp in front of a blow heater for a day (while waiting for the sealant to be delivered), not too close of course but the lamp got nice and toasty and completely dried out, I wanted the seal where it was broken to be bone dry before sealing with silicone and it seems to have worked, time will tell and now waiting for the next storm! David
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