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Member Since: 29 Apr 2018
Location: Wincanton
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United Kingdom 2012 Range Rover Westminster 4.4 V8 Zambezi Silver
Oil in intake system causing catastrophic engine failure

I understand that there is a JLR modification (Technical Bulletin LTB000513 dated 15th January 2013) for 2012 TDV8 4.4 diesel engines as the oil drain pipe from the top of the engine is not effective such that engine oil builds up in the top of the engine and gets into the intake system.
This causes catastrophic engine failure as the engine will then run, using its lubricating oil as a fuel, faster and faster until it (usually) puts a conrod through the side of the block which is the only way to stop it as not possible to turn it off or to stall the engine by the brakes, or to take it out of gear as automatic.
PLEASE will someone respond who has also had this problem. The owners we have talked too have been silenced by JLR and will not discuss. The same thing applies to workshop mechanics who are anxious about their job security if they discuss this problem which we understand is reasonably common if the modification has not been carried out.
I recently visited a local JLR dealership and asked two separate members of staff about the issue, the 'Parts' department was aware of 'hundreds', the mechanic said he had fitted five replacement engines which had failed in this way but refused to give any details, whereas the 'Sales' person denied that the problem exists.
Really need to know what has been going on as managed to catch my engine before this happened and am now carrying out the modification (out of warranty) and looking for a contribution from JLR. Sad

Post #477097 29th Apr 2018 1:20pm
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Member Since: 26 Nov 2016
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Stornoway Grey

Hi there. Many of us here have this engine. I'm on here regularly but the situation you describe does not sound like something I've heard of.

There are known oil issues but more oil leaks and certainly not as far as I know leading to the overrun you're describing. Throwing a conrod wow.

The main ones are:
- Turbo #2 drain - build up of oil that makes smoke
- O rings upper rear of engine - causing oil leaks, not at all serious
- Oil cooler leak sometimes cracks and you'll get oil in your coolant if this happens.

Do you have - and can you post up - a copy of the service bulletin/

You also say you will be doing the modification - what exactly is this?

Lastly you say you caught it in time, tell us more about this pls. What happened and what led to you knowing (and who told you) you'd caught it in time.

. Cheers, Greg
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2011 Vogue SE 4.4 with lots of toys in Stornaway

Last edited by GGDR on 29th Apr 2018 4:10pm. Edited 1 time in total

Post #477098 29th Apr 2018 1:59pm
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Member Since: 29 Apr 2018
Location: Wincanton
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United Kingdom 2012 Range Rover Westminster 4.4 V8 Zambezi Silver

Surprised at your reply as we thought this was a common problem and certainly replacement engines have been fitted when this modification has not been carried out, but the engine has failed.
The technical bulletin is numbered LTB00513 and dated 15 Jan 2013, I have a .pdf copy but do not know how to send it you on this forum. However I have found a post containing the bulletin on this forum, so try searching under for LTB00513, this shows images of the modifications (posted by other forum members).
We caught it in time because oil appeared in the plastic inlet manifolds, seeping out of the joints. As soon as the garage saw this they spoke to others (three, independently) in the trade who just laughed and said words to the effect of "that's what happens with those particular TDV8s and you were really lucky that it didn't go bang, as there are many that have!". Many other people we have spoken to have been aware of this problem, but we cannot find anyone who will discuss it properly.
The modification is very clearly set out in the technical bulletin and involves changing the oil drain pipe and allowing it to vent into a different position in the crank case.
Really would appreciate your help in tracing some owners who's Range Rovers have suffered from this problem.

Post #477100 29th Apr 2018 3:06pm
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Member Since: 29 Apr 2018
Location: Wincanton
Posts: 3

United Kingdom 2012 Range Rover Westminster 4.4 V8 Zambezi Silver

Apologies, have just managed to find the post on this forum containing said bulletin, [] scroll down to the fourth post from the top and it is shown here

Post #477101 29th Apr 2018 3:11pm
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Member Since: 26 Nov 2016
Location: London
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Stornoway Grey

Extra background info helps. Strongly suggest you edit the topic title to include "4.4TDV8".
Just because I personally haven't heard of it (been here 18 months) doesn't mean others haven"t so I'm sure (with the above edit) others will chime in too.
. Cheers, Greg
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2011 Vogue SE 4.4 with lots of toys in Stornaway

Last edited by GGDR on 29th Apr 2018 4:14pm. Edited 2 times in total

Post #477102 29th Apr 2018 3:13pm
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Link to the technical bulletin that works,

Post #477103 29th Apr 2018 3:29pm
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the tsb is in the wiki as well...

a read here will help as well, ... - .- -.

Y. O. L. O.

Post #477106 29th Apr 2018 3:38pm
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Member Since: 26 Nov 2016
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Stornoway Grey

Ah ok so it is the turbo drain... Well that is very common and probably every 4.4 since 2010 release until maybe the 405 (2013) can suffer from this. But I didn't know it could lead to a catastrophic failure?

I assume at some point they incorporated the mod into production.

Be interested to know what people make of the summary you've been told at the top of this thread...

I understood the worst that could happen would be a knackered DPF. Not good but a far cry from throwing a rod:

This causes catastrophic engine failure as the engine will then run, using its lubricating oil as a fuel, faster and faster until it (usually) puts a conrod through the side of the block which is the only way to stop it as not possible to turn it off or to stall the engine by the brakes, or to take it out of gear as automatic.

How long have you had the car?

. Cheers, Greg
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2011 Vogue SE 4.4 with lots of toys in Stornaway

Post #477107 29th Apr 2018 3:52pm
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Baltic Blue

Member Since: 13 Aug 2015
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Baltic Blue

Even my main dealer used the words, “it’s pretty bad”, referring to the amount of smoke it blew out on the test run we did to confirm it needed the turbo drain mod, but never at any stage did the service manager mention catastrophic failures.
I have just returned from a “mad dash “ over to Blackpool to visit an ageing relative this afternoon and got the revs over 2500rpm several times, but without a hint of smoke.
The turbo drain mod certainly works to stop oil build up producing smoke, but this post is the first time I have heard of any other engine problems caused by it not being done.

I have recorded Fault histories from 46 different owners in my 4.4 tdV8 Fault history log.
Several have suffered oil leaks from the O ring problem and oil cooler gaskets, but no mentions of engine failures.
Mike. G reg 2.5VM Vogue Portofino red 1991- 1999
V reg 2.5td P38 Rioja red 1999- 2006
53 reg td6 Vogue Oslo blue 2006- 2015
11 reg 4.4 TdV8 Vogue SE. Baltic blue 2015- date.

Post #477118 29th Apr 2018 5:04pm
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counter of beans

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England 2012 Range Rover Vogue TDV8 Santorini Black

Hello Crystal; I'm puzzled by some of your comments such as "the owners we have talked to have been silenced by JLR", and "workshop mechanics are worried about their job security" - you make it sound like it's the CIA or something!
Why don't you have a chat to a decent independent about the problem to get an unbiased view?
Like Gonna Go Double and Baltic Blue have said, the effect of this oil drain problem isn't catastrophic engine failure - and if it really wasn't possible to "turn it off, stall the engine, or take it out of gear" that would be potentially lethal. Do you genuinely think JLR would "silence" such a dangerous fault?
Also, who is the "we" that you refer to? Just curious.

In short, it's a well known issue with an established fix, so I don't understand your (please don't take offence) slightly hysterical tone. My guess is that you'll struggle to extract cash from JLR for this, but I really wouldn't put that down to a conspiracy theory.

Post #477146 29th Apr 2018 8:18pm
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Member Since: 26 Nov 2016
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Stornoway Grey

Speaking about throwing rods, this made me remember I threw one once...

Not in the Range Rover, my 1600 Mk1 Escort circa mid eighties I was 18 and caning it on the motorway. Then - BANG! I got a face full of smoke through the front air vents. I didn't know what it was so I kept driving...

That green Mk1 2 door was a hero and amongst other mods like the anti dive kit (remember those?) and the little aluminium shifter extension thing that made the gearstick into a click click short shifter (somebody must remember those, that was genius little bit of engineering). Anyway, ater the initial bang incredibly and once the smoke cleared she continued, although running errr well let's say a bit rough but amazingly it somehow ran if I kept the revs up off idle. That conrod, held on by the bottom bearing well that rod just pounded that little block 1500 times a minute for about 15 minutes trying to make it's escape.

Finally the conrod got it's way and it died but I'd got about 5 miles further along nearer home. I only knew what happened once I'd stripped it all down. I don't remember what happened next, I think I got a new engine but only an 18 year old could punish a car like that.

anyway back to the matter at hand...
. Cheers, Greg
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2011 Vogue SE 4.4 with lots of toys in Stornaway

Post #477153 29th Apr 2018 9:39pm
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c.o.b has made some interesting points, who are 'we' and where did you get your info from crystal... ... - .- -.

Y. O. L. O.

Post #477166 30th Apr 2018 7:16am
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Member Since: 29 Jun 2016
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Baltic Blue

The only way I can see that dieseling can occur with oil in the plastic inlet manifold is by a failure of a turbo oil seal on the inlet side of the turbine shaft allowing oil into the pressurised inlet air side via the intercooler.

I would have thought this is nothing to do with the oil drain mod. 2011 4.4 TDV8 Vogue SE
1993 Discovery 1 3.5 V8i

Post #477183 30th Apr 2018 8:54am
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Member Since: 06 Mar 2015
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The modified turbo drain is to prevent oil accumulation in the secondary turbo's inlet tract that was accumulating due to seeping through the turbo's seals from the original drain that required the engine to be running to drain via a scavenger pump, yet oil pressure persisted for a while after the engine stopped.

Post #477194 30th Apr 2018 9:41am
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Member Since: 16 Apr 2011
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2011 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Stornoway Grey

Thanks for giving me a good laugh 😂

Sounds like a bit of hysteria to persuade the gullible to hand over £1000 to get the mod done

I’ve owned a 4.4TDV8 since new
Never had an engine problem
Never had smoke
Have not had the mod, no intention of getting it done

Do you think I lie there at night worrying about terminal engine runaway?
Rolling with laughter

Post #477247 1st May 2018 5:35am
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