FM Antenna Fault -allegedly | |
Happy New Year my fellow supporters of the economy (L322 owners)...
Been having strange starting issue of late (more on that in a bit) and while checking for battery charge activity after starting using the 753 hack I noticed a failure popping up on screen - see attached - does anyone happen to know what this particular failure relates to?
Secondary to this, I had my battery (019 as 020 will not fit) replaced a year ago when the alternator had to be removed and refurbished, all was well until a couple of months ago when it decided to begin the start-up process but within a second of firing up she'd decide 'nah'. A jump start would suffice and off she'd go until left for 2-3 days then repeat... New battery was checked (80% performance noted), no apparent parasitic drain. I'm getting peeved arriving back at the airport late at night and just praying that it starts or facing the 1hr plus wait for the AA to come and jump it. Was/is there anything within this gorgeous but sensitive beast that had to be reset or such, after replacing the battery that I and my Indy have failed to do or is it off to the stealer for in-depth analysis and in-depth robbery from wallet?
Much obliged.
FF MY2010 3.6 tdV8 VogueSE