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Member Since: 03 May 2016
Location: Gatwick
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United Kingdom 
Another nail in the coffin for Diesel.........??

I know this relates to pollution in general across the world but it surely can't help when one of the quotes in the article in relation to the UK says.....

"A contributing factor could be our dependence on diesel vehicles, notorious for pumping out a higher amount of poisonous particles and gases"

Big Cry Big Cry 2021 D350 Fifty Edition - Carpathian Grey
2017 4.4 SDV8 Autobiography (2021-2024) - Santorini Black
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Post #454641 20th Oct 2017 9:19am
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Red Merle

Member Since: 19 Sep 2016
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United Kingdom 2017 Range Rover Autobiography SDV8 Aintree Green

I expect that the Chancellor will be calculating his tax grab on diesel now, but it’s most likely to affect new diesel sales, rather than current cars.

It’ll be just enough to get a good increase in tax take and appear “to be doing something about it”, but not so much as to actually do something about it and risk killing the cash cow! Rolling Eyes

Post #454644 20th Oct 2017 9:26am
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Member Since: 03 May 2016
Location: Gatwick
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United Kingdom 

Yes, not content with first encouraging us to buy diesels then back-tracking when it suddenly wasn't very PC and making us feel like pariah's, I suspect there's a fuel duty hike just for diesel in the forthcoming budget (to punish all us inconsiderate planet poisoners Shocked )

If they banned smoking, alcohol and diesel the country would be bankrupt.......on the upside, we'd be healthier and live longer, just be miserable with it Laughing Laughing 2021 D350 Fifty Edition - Carpathian Grey
2017 4.4 SDV8 Autobiography (2021-2024) - Santorini Black
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Post #454665 20th Oct 2017 2:06pm
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Member Since: 09 Apr 2017
Location: The Black Country
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United Kingdom 2003 Range Rover Vogue Td6 Bonatti Grey

Why don't those figures include the likes of China and Europe? So, if we cut out diesels and all pay through the nose to cut pollution, doesn't the wind just blow other countries pollution over here?

Read an article the other week by some Uni and Professors (couldn't find it again), it said electric vehicles will never be common place, they can't be. It would take 100 years and countless billions of £££ to dig up every road and lay cables to carry the current required to charge a vehicle in a reasonable time. The vast majority of houses only have a supply big enough to charge an average battery in around 19 hours. If you do find a fast charge point it reduces battery life by a vast amount (lifespan of around 2 years).

So, as they said, it will never be because another power source will be found before the infrastructure is in place.

Post #454676 20th Oct 2017 4:20pm
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Member Since: 11 Oct 2014
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England 2010 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Santorini Black

Pollution........ diesel trains, buses, lorries oh and errrrrrr what are those things in the sky apart from pigs. Yeah planes.
Yes there is a lot of pollution from many things, but unless we all cut down (if we can) things are going to be the same or get worse. The government think we all drive around for something to do, polluting the air just for a laugh. Most trade rely on polluting vehicles to shift products around. Yes electric....... but where does that come from? Not just from THE PLUG as Boris once said on top gear.

My little theory is that we are taking air from the atmosphere and compressing it into all things, from compressors through to vehicle tyres. Now you may think it doesn’t take much to pump up a car tyre but multiply that by 5 and think how many cars are on the road, then in the world, then think of lorries, buses and plane tyres and other compressed items, where does the air come from. That ozone is a lot closer to us than it was years ago, and yeah while I think of it the world is warming up, in the 1950’s there were 5 billion people now there is 8. We all give off about 37 degrees that must heat up the world to some extent along with animals, so yes the world is warming up.

So yes I’ll carry on driving around in my rangey and my eco fiesta because I WANT TO.

Oh and I like how government have these meetings around the world, they don’t walk or cycle to these meetings, they all fly, and then go in eco cars, oh sorry yes, big bmw’s, merc’s and range rovers and the like and tell US to drive eco cars...........

sorry, just thought I’d give my two pence worth, or with the way things are going two quids worth Thumbs Up

Post #454732 21st Oct 2017 12:24am
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Member Since: 08 Jan 2016
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue TDV8 Stornoway Grey

One thing not mentioned yet in the debate about Government's past incentives to buy diesel is the fact that they knew full well all about NoX emissions from diesel at the same time as they were busy approving incentives to get us to buy them. They knew they would affect air quality (and probably by exactly how much and by when), in fact the Health and Safety Executive ran a campaign about diesel emmissions in the workplace a good 10 years or more ago for exactly this reason. But, they still went ahead with incentives. This is a set up of major proportion, a total con by successive Government's and quite frankly it stinks, and it underlines why I hate politics so much (wherever it rears its plug ugly head). Drives:
2010 FFRR TdV8 Vogue - Stornoway Grey
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Post #454886 22nd Oct 2017 8:53am
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Member Since: 24 Mar 2017
Location: Co Clare
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Ireland 2007 Range Rover Vogue TDV8 Zermatt Silver

Very interesting thread.
I read an article a few years back when the global warming debate started hotting up. ( pun intended)
Scientists estimated that the Mount Pinatubo eruption in 1991 gave off more NOx and CO2 during its 2 weeks of activity than ALL man-made machinery put together since the start of the industrial revolution. Just one eruption.
There are over 5000 eruptions occuring at any one time on earth. Most are under the oceans.
The concept that man is responsible for GW is utter Censored
But it's a great concept to fleece the masses. Government's the world over know this but would never say it.
They treat us with contempt. Why ? Because they can and get away with it.
Easy when people are more bothered by the number of pseudo friends they have on Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter etc.
The latest offerings in celebrity jungle TV, big brother and all the other mind numbing "programmes". Think about that word, program/Ming.
Society is erroding away under the noses of its apathetic members. A wise man once said " People get the government they deserve"
How true and so sad.
Yes, this is deep and I have so much to say. I have studied banking in depth. Basically legalised fraud.
The legal system and statutes. Again, full of deception. Deliberately so. Based on the Admiralty Law of the 1600's. That's why a defendant stands in a dock. Look up the legal definition of "person". We've all been tricked. We are all dead. Look up the Cestui que vie act of 1666.
We are declared dead, lost to the sea. That's why you naively appoint representation when you are summoned to stand in the "dock" The "bench" , where the judge sits, in Latin means Bank.
If you're still reading, fair p!ay. Has your interest been pricked.
Capitas diminutio Maxima. Maximum rights removed. That's why your name is always in capitals on an official letter. HMRC, councils, bills etc.
Because you are not a man but a person. Commerce, money, banks. . Admiralty law where companies are " floated " on the "stock" exchange.
Where the (current) cy flows between " banks". You are property owned by the government. That's why you have a berth certificate. Get it out and look at it. It is on bonded paper. You were berthed when your mother's "waters" broke and you were "delivered" via her birth " canal" and you were attached to her by the "naval". I could go on for hours with this.
We are being "conned". Oops, there I go again. I have had speeding tickets thrown out before even going to court. How? Easy. Because statutes only apply to a "person". The name written in ALL CAPITALS. So, ask them to bring " foundational material evidence " to court proving that you are not a man. It just goes away never be heard again. Funny that. Now don't think I drive around with my foot to the floor. I don't, but on occasion I have missed the change in the limit. 2 tickets were for other people. 33 years driving and accident free including artic's.
" Driving" ! Another con. Legally you are only driving when engaged in commerce. Yes it's true. Only if being rewarded or paid. At any other time you are travelling. Which, by the way, you have a fundamental RIGHT to do. So, you naively apply for a driving licence and give up your right of travel and they replace it with a privilege called driving. And then they fleece you for every last Penny to do so. How kind and thoughtful they are. Its the same story over and over with government. They used to talk about holding office, now it's retaining Power. It's not a Police Constabulary anymore but a Police FORCE. Small but significant subtle changes that get into your head. You will obey, you will obey.
So does it surprise me when a government does a Diesel U turn? What do think!!!!

Yes I'm venting but it sickens me to hear the stories of hardship around so called developed countries. Kids going hungry, working parents making a choice between food or heating. Oh and the banks turfing folk out of their homes because they can't meet the mortgage payments.
I would encourage anyone still reading to go onto YouTube and look up "Money as debt". It accurately and simply teaches how banks and money " works". Yes , I have researched this in depth and found it to be true. Not only that, I challenged a well known high Street bank to prove in court that I owed them money they alleged to have lent me and they declined. I actually got a "loan" with the intention of proving or disproving what I'd learnt. Nuff said.
To the moderators, I hope I haven't overstepped the mark with this. I just want the truth known by all. Money truly is the root of all evil.
The legal system a close second.
We as people have a choice. Think about the legacy you leave your loved ones. I have and I posted this...... Banging Head 2007 Vogue TDV8 in Zermatt Silver with Charcoal

Post #455989 3rd Nov 2017 4:37am
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Member Since: 25 Oct 2011
Location: Perigueux
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France 2007 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Zambezi Silver

The global warming fraction is only using figures between 1970 and 2001 because it fits their goals, inventing taxes. After 2001 the GW turned into Global freezing. The North pole is moving (faster as ever measured) with 55 km per year towards.....Europe, the solar activity is on an all time low and is at the beginning of a 300 year slowdown cycle. Are we on our way to a new small ice age? Probably yes. The pinguins starving because their food is out of reach is not a sign of GW but of global Freezing, there is more ice between their nest area and the water where they catch their food. The influence of the human race is nothing compared to the influence of the univers, the sun and the movement of our solar system.

Having said that, we all know that diesel is a nasty kind of fuel. It should be banned or altered for our own health. France was the great inventor of the small diesel car, with tax advantages and stimulation of sales. They started that because they started using nuclear power and the partly state owned oil companies lost a big part of their turnover when the dieselpowered sites where closed.
Toyota had a small diesel engine on the shelves for years, but knew it was to polluting. When they saw the French gaining the small diesel engine market they all jumped in. Now we all see the results of their strategy and how they try to reverse it by demotivating people to drive diesel. IMO not a bad idea.

If you still drive one of those dinosaures, you know you are in the wrong, no reason to blame the gouvernement you chose. There is a new diesel technology for a few years now and Tata has equiped their diesel engined jaguars with it. I am driving my dinosaur on Lpg and to be hounest that feels good. I can even drive in Paris on high polluted days.

Post #455998 3rd Nov 2017 10:29am
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Member Since: 09 Apr 2017
Location: The Black Country
Posts: 318

United Kingdom 2003 Range Rover Vogue Td6 Bonatti Grey

can anyone tell me what percentage of global pollution the UK puts out, and what percentage of that is down to diesels? One of the above should be able to supply factual figures surely?

Post #456032 3rd Nov 2017 4:34pm
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Member Since: 24 Mar 2017
Location: Co Clare
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Ireland 2007 Range Rover Vogue TDV8 Zermatt Silver

It doesn't matter mate. Totally insignificant in grand scheme of things. Just another excuse to screw us over. 2007 Vogue TDV8 in Zermatt Silver with Charcoal

Post #456040 3rd Nov 2017 5:16pm
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Member Since: 25 Oct 2011
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France 2007 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Zambezi Silver

RodP that is not the means everyone...just because your neighbour kills his wife you don't have to do it.
We are all respons able. So respond in the right way. Most of us stopped smoking because we know it's not good for our health neither for the ones around us.

Yes the politicians only see money coming their way with all their ridiculous taxes, but that does not mean that we all should not respond intelligent to this polution item.

The Ramathan /Feng study had a "nice" highlight:

"What is less recognized, however, is a comparably major global problem dealing with air pollution. Until about ten years ago, air pollution was thought to be just an urban or a local problem. But new data have revealed that air pollution is transported across continents and ocean basins due to fast long-range transport, resulting in trans-oceanic and trans-continental plumes of atmospheric brown clouds (ABCs) containing sub micron size particles, i.e., aerosols. ABCs intercept sunlight by absorbing as well as reflecting it, both of which lead to a large surface dimming. The dimming effect is enhanced further because aerosols may nucleate more cloud droplets, which makes the clouds reflect more solar radiation. The dimming has a surface cooling effect and decreases evaporation of moisture from the surface, thus slows down the hydrological cycle."

Here is another answer to your question. It is not nailed down to YOU or the UK. But if we want a better air quality for us and our children and so on, we all should do better. Stuff the politicians, let's beat them to it and act responsible.

Post #456042 3rd Nov 2017 5:56pm
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Member Since: 09 Apr 2017
Location: The Black Country
Posts: 318

United Kingdom 2003 Range Rover Vogue Td6 Bonatti Grey

Here you go, see what a tiny tiny part of it we in the UK are. Do you really think even if we pay through the nose and get rid of all diesels that all the other countries will? Take a look yourself, google Nox emissions by country, and you;ll notice in 99 out of a hundred we're lumped in with the EU. When you do find UK figures you'll notice we produce just a small part of the EU's emissions, but they like to make us feel it's us at fault so they can squeeze even more money. Some of the figures are truly amazing and shows just what a small part of it we really are, probably less than 1% of some countries.

Personally, I'm sticking to a big diesel, you do what you feel is right but for me it's the TD6 and a 300TDI.

Post #456047 3rd Nov 2017 7:09pm
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Member Since: 11 Oct 2014
Location: Blackburn
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England 2010 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Santorini Black

Emissions are being pumped out all over the globe, so when folk are reading the results from taking measurements, maybe the actual emissions being read in this country may have come from elsewhere, being carried here with the weather, only the other week the sky went orange from dust, sand and smoke from fires in Portugal showing how much can be carried around.

Post #456127 4th Nov 2017 1:37pm
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Member Since: 09 Apr 2017
Location: The Black Country
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United Kingdom 2003 Range Rover Vogue Td6 Bonatti Grey

Emissions are being pumped out all over the globe,

Exactly, and they want US to change OUR vehicles to reduce emissions from elsewhere. Carry on, change your vehicle for petrol or even electric, and in ten years time be dismayed because pollution has continued to rise and the real culprits carry on as if nothing happened. Laughing

Post #456129 4th Nov 2017 1:52pm
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Member Since: 25 Oct 2011
Location: Perigueux
Posts: 2289

France 2007 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Zambezi Silver

oh yes and everyone thinking the same way "and they want us to....etc"
Isn't it a matter of intelligence or is it always the responsibility of the others?
In Dutch we say "if you want a better world start with yourself"
If you give sheit about the world keep on dieseling.
Have a nice day

Post #456136 4th Nov 2017 3:11pm
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