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Member Since: 18 Oct 2015
Location: Cheshire
Posts: 655

England 2016 Range Rover Autobiography SDV8 Corris Grey

Now at the outset let me say that I buy cars frequently. My last half a dozen or so have all come from Land Rover and almost exclusively from their Approved Used range.

Also, I tend to buy from whoever has the car that suits my needs at a price that I’m happy to pay but inevitably this can mean buying long distance. In view of this I regularly buy remotely, without actually viewing the car before purchase.

That said; because of the odd issue that has arose in the past I am pedantic bordering on the anal when it comes to ensuring what I’m getting is what I think I’m getting.

Anyway I saw a car that I fancied and contacted the dealer principle initially. I sent detailed photos of my part ex and gave an accurate description. I then made an offer based on the fact that I’d described my car accurately but that it was also on based on the condition of their car. I asked him to point out ANY imperfections (as it was a 12 month old 11,000 mile car) and reminded him that my over arching consideration was that the condition of their car was all important to me”

The principle came back immediately and put me in touch with the used car manager who actually took a few days to contact me. When he did he offered to do the presentation video but I told him that I was not interested so much in a video but needed someone to actually view the car to tell me anything at all that was wrong with it as the eye can pick up things that a video doesn’t.

He then came back to me and confirmed that one wheel had had a refurbishment and that there were a few tar spots low down on the body. He also said that the parcel shelf was missing and that they would order a new one. In view of this I arranged for my almost brand new wheels and tyres to be put on the car and I bought the car. There were a few other details included in the deal, one of which was for them to collect my car (550 mile round trip) remove the wheels and side steps and fit them to my new purchase before delivering the car to me some time later. From that point on I was left with one of the sales reps.

I have to say that I’ve had far better service and attention from sales reps in the past and had to repeat myself a few times before I got answers. However, he was left in no doubt that the reason I wanted him to double check everything was because of the distance between us made rectification of issues more difficult.

When the car arrived it was raining hard and it had covered the thick end of 300 miles so it was never going to look it’s best but I immediately noticed that the cheaper carpet mats were in the car, rather than the AB variety. I mentioned this to the driver who told me they pulled them out of a new Vogue in the showroom that morning. The following morning when I went to it to put all of my items into it I noticed that the parcel shelf was not the newly ordered one but a stained dirty one. The car was dirty, not filthy just grubby and needed attention. Not valeted as promised and not even hoovered.

There were thick crumbs in-between the seat creases and grease marks here and there as well as a dirty loading area. In view of this I had a good look and immediately noticed that the leather on the drivers side seat had an area the size of a fifty pence piece that the top coat of leather had delaminated and disintegrated. My heart sank. I then noticed that the Piano Black surrounds were almost all scratched and marked, some fairly deeply. This would do my head in because the car I’d just part exchanged to them didn’t have a mark in the interior and I'm advised has already sold. There were a couple of other marks, one very small scratch on the aluminium front centre surround and another a mark on the alcantara. So all in all disappointing. Fortunately the exterior is immaculate and it drives like it should too.

I contacted the dealer immediately and told them what I had found and the sales rep responded quickly and said that that was unacceptable and apologised. He offered to pay for me to fix the issues locally but I refused and said that I wanted them to put it right by them. I also mentioned the fact that these issues should have been checked and rectified under the 165 point Approved used scheme and that it made me question if it had been done at all.

The salesman then rang me up and told me that anything that couldn't be repaired would be replaced and I thanked him for reassuring me. However, that sense of reassurance didn’t last long.

Their driver came along and dropped off a car for me whilst he took mine back to be fixed.

Yesterday I was informed that the car was now complete and that both the sales rep and his Manager were now happy with the repairs and they hoped that I would be too. It would be drove back to me later this week. I was told that that the leather had been repaired. That the Gloss black trim had been polished and that there was nothing they could do with the tiny scratch to the aluminium and that the proper AB mats were now in the car.

I emailed again and asked them to confirm if the scratches had all polished out and what repair the leather had received. The reply was that the leather had had a local repair and that they were happy with it and that some scratches remained in the paneling but “ wasn’t that noticeable unless you went looking for it”

This did not inspire confidence and I have now again emailed them and asked them to explain exactly what went wrong with the leather and exactly what has been done to repair it. I also told them that I was not happy to have a car that looks stunning on the outside, drives beautifully but is not as described inside it. I reminded them also of the conversation when they had told me that anything that couldn’t be properly repaired would be replaced. I was also disappointed that no one in a position of authority had contacted me to apologise.

And that’s where we stand currently as I sent my last email to them last night and I am still awaiting a reply as of 3.30 pm today.

It did make me titter a little when I read Land Rover’s strap line on their approved used site where it reads “WHEN YOU CAN’T TELL IT’S USED - IT’S Land Rover APPROVED”

I’d be interested to hear your thoughts.

Last edited by Basilfawlty on 28th Apr 2017 1:17pm. Edited 3 times in total

Post #434726 12th Apr 2017 3:24pm
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Member Since: 26 May 2010
Location: Warwickshire. England. The Commonwealth.
Posts: 4029

United Kingdom 2014 Range Rover Vogue SE SDV8 Corris Grey

For 11k miles that's had a hard life. The only way you will get that resolved is to give the "Final chance to rectify" before rejection. Make it abundantly clear that is the car is not put into the condition you stated was required it will be rejected. Do it in writing and copy LR Customer Services.

Post #434732 12th Apr 2017 4:34pm
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Member Since: 18 Oct 2015
Location: Cheshire
Posts: 655

England 2016 Range Rover Autobiography SDV8 Corris Grey

That's how I feel. I've just been emailed and told that they are sending it back tomorrow and that I'll be happy with it but if you are expecting the piano gloss to look new then I'll be disappointed. I've replied saying that I formally reject the car unless they, 1. Repair the car to the condition promised (i.e. new panels and give a full explanation regarding the leather) 2. Supply a similar year, mileage car in a colour that I like that is not damaged or 3. A full Refund. I would gladly have my previous car back but I don't think that's a possibility

Post #434733 12th Apr 2017 4:48pm
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Member Since: 14 Apr 2015
Location: Edinburgh
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Scotland 2017 Range Rover Autobiography 5.0 SC V8 Corris Grey

That is a disappointing experience and I agree that involving LR Customer Relations would be useful. You might want to speak to them rather than just copying them in to a letter to the dealer, they might want to speak to the dealer themselves and that could save you some effort and stress.

I would clean the car myself and not worry about that. The seat damage would be a major concern, I don't think that could be considered 'fair wear and tear' in the context of the age and mileage. The lacquer is more borderline. I'd be surprised if the seat could be repaired satisfactorily and would not expect the scratches to polish out of the lacquer. The dealer's margin would be substantially eroded if a new seat cover and a new lacquer set has to be supplied and fitted, but I expect that would be the only way to reach the standard you want. I would say that is the right outcome here, rather than the whole contract being overturned. I'd also be content to have the work done by someone else at the selling dealer's expense, ideally at a more local dealer with which you have a better relationship.

If you do want to reject, the starting point will be the contract you have with the dealer, and whether the car conforms to your specification and the dealer's description. The more specific the terms the better, ideally "no damage to seats and lacquer unmarked" or similar in the email exchange. I hope you can get it sorted out with assistance from LRCR, as litigation would be a costly and uncertain route. Only Range Rovers since 1988

Post #434735 12th Apr 2017 5:27pm
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Member Since: 08 Dec 2015
Location: DEVON
Posts: 1160

United Kingdom 2017 Range Rover Autobiography SDV8 Carpathian Grey

Really sorry to hear and see these things Basil.
But i would never trust a LR dealer to see what you would see and buy without seeing the car first no way.
FFS they cant even get the new cars right what chance do you have with a 11k one.
The faults seem inexcusable to me .

Post #434738 12th Apr 2017 5:39pm
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Member Since: 01 Mar 2017
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Posts: 81

Your rights enable you to reject the car within 1000 miles or 30 days, whichever is the sooner.

With all those faults I would outright reject the car on the grounds that it isnt as described - its obviously had a hard life!

There seem to be some fairly good value FFRR around at moment with low sub 7000 miles.

This is a major purchase and sales guys will obviously want you to keep it, thing is its not their hard earned as if it was, they would probably reject it as well.

Loads of cars out there Thumbs Up

Post #434741 12th Apr 2017 6:04pm
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Member Since: 21 Nov 2011
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United Kingdom 

Is the car in finance? If so, the finance company have the responsibility to ensure that it is in a good condition- they will act on your behalf and resolve this for you.

Cheers Roy 2005 L322 Vogue Gold gone
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2011 L322 Vogue Silver gone
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Post #434743 12th Apr 2017 6:07pm
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Member Since: 18 Oct 2015
Location: Cheshire
Posts: 655

England 2016 Range Rover Autobiography SDV8 Corris Grey

I always buy cash but was aware of the 1000 mile rule and to be fair that point was laboured on the dealer. I really appreciate the replies guys. I've liaised with LR Customer Services and had a call late on from the dealership. After some conversation they are replacing the seat leather and changing over the Piano Black trim, which apparently isn't cheap and have obviously cleaned it properly now. I'm happy with that because at least it will then be the car I wanted it to be and it was only the interior that let it down. I also mentioned that on the dealer website they said that we could rest assured as they only sold the highest quality sourced vehicles.

Post #434744 12th Apr 2017 6:23pm
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Member Since: 11 Feb 2011
Location: Peterborough / Bordeaux / Andorra
Posts: 7978

United Kingdom 2013 Range Rover Vogue SE SDV8 Santorini Black

Serves you right for being lazy Whistle Razz

I tend to distance buy also, but I go there to swap on the basis that if everything isn't exactly as described, I will turn around and drive my old one away.

I wonder whether it's been a chauffeured car - sat in more than driven ?

Post #434745 12th Apr 2017 6:44pm
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Member Since: 18 Oct 2015
Location: Cheshire
Posts: 655

England 2016 Range Rover Autobiography SDV8 Corris Grey

All I know Alistair is that it was a Land Rover car. I felt like cleaning it when it arrived and I know it would have looked a good deal better had I done so but I could never have put the leather and trim right and that kind of defeats the object. It's a pity because the exterior is unmarked. I think they have decided to concede because they knew I would have walked away from the car and they would have had the same issue with the next purchaser. I'm pleased with the outcome but will wait until I see it in the metal. Thumbs Up

Post #434750 12th Apr 2017 7:21pm
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Member Since: 15 Oct 2014
Location: Devon
Posts: 680

United Kingdom 2017 Range Rover Autobiography SDV8 Carpathian Grey

I hope it works out for you Basil and I'm confident that it will , but I agree with Alistair who drove from Peterborough to Plymouth (just outside ) to get his and I drove from Plymouth to Peterborough to get mine ! Very Happy

Post #434753 12th Apr 2017 7:57pm
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Member Since: 11 Feb 2011
Location: Peterborough / Bordeaux / Andorra
Posts: 7978

United Kingdom 2013 Range Rover Vogue SE SDV8 Santorini Black

Well remembered - Matford in Exeter - they were very good - even insisted on filling my arm rest cooler with drinks Thumbs Up

Post #434754 12th Apr 2017 8:01pm
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Member Since: 18 Oct 2015
Location: Cheshire
Posts: 655

England 2016 Range Rover Autobiography SDV8 Corris Grey

Fully understand guys. I drove Cheshire to London for my first one in exactly the same way as Alistair describes and then again to Essex for my second, just for the collection on the day of the deal but as I buy every 9 months or so the wife gets fed up with giving a day up to travel and buy. Hey ho! Thumbs Up

Post #434755 12th Apr 2017 8:01pm
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Member Since: 11 Feb 2011
Location: Peterborough / Bordeaux / Andorra
Posts: 7978

United Kingdom 2013 Range Rover Vogue SE SDV8 Santorini Black

Laughing Every 9 months - I just couldn't be bothered - I usually end up keeping them for 4 or 5 years.

Post #434756 12th Apr 2017 8:05pm
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Member Since: 15 Oct 2014
Location: Devon
Posts: 680

United Kingdom 2017 Range Rover Autobiography SDV8 Carpathian Grey

Every two years for me , although the way things are looking for diesel I'll end up with a Prius next ! 😔

Post #434759 12th Apr 2017 8:26pm
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