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Member Since: 02 May 2016
Location: Nottinghamshire
Posts: 248

England 2003 Range Rover Vogue Td6 Zambezi Silver
Weirdest thing seen this week?

Came across an old mini the other day - nothing too unusual (apart from why anyone would have one - tried driving on once, it is the only car where I could press all 3 pedals at once) except it was in the middle of the road, locked and at an angle across the road. Called the police who traced the owner a quarter of a mile up the road. Apparently the driver had parked the car and locked it, but had omitted to apply the handbrake. The road it was on had a very slight slope and the car must have very slowly rolled to where I found it. I will leave it to you to guess the gender of the driver..... QUID FACIUM TIBI

2003 TD6 VOGUE Zambezi Silver
tows 2006 Lunar Delta 540/2

Post #420063 29th Dec 2016 6:49pm
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Member Since: 11 Jan 2013
Location: surrey
Posts: 2035

United Kingdom 2012 Range Rover Westminster TDV8 Orkney Grey

I found a parking gap, on a steep hill, I parked and was listening to the radio, waiting for someone, when all of a sudden the car in front rolled into me. I got out, and nobody in car. Handbrake was on. So, I decided to reverse a bit... but it followed me down the hill. I guessed it could have rolled a lot further, and caused a disaster, should I try to reverse out. So I did some knocking on houses..and got nowhere, and decided to just find a brick, from a skip! and chocked a wheel, and drove off, now trying to explain my actions, to now arrived fellow passenger.

Another time, I parked my freshly sprayed jag, in a bay, only to return to see people looking at my car... a car had rolled down a hill, and gently crashed into mine. Only slight damage, and other car mildly damaged, but was a tatty heap. However there was a dog inside. (Was ok) But the owner was found. -in a pub! And it seemed the dog, had climbed to front seats, and knocked the gearstick, as the handbrake was rubbish, and it went on a doggy joyride. I was paid in cash, to keep quiet, so all turned out ok.

It would seem, cooling brake drums, can ease off handbrakes...

Post #420093 29th Dec 2016 11:10pm
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Member Since: 09 Jun 2011
Location: Corsham, UK
Posts: 208

United Kingdom 2010 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Bournville

It would seem, cooling brake drums, can ease off handbrakes...

That's exactly right. My Dad had a Saab 900 sometime in the late 80s. On numerous occasions he'd come back to find it had moved from where he'd parked it. Apparently the handbrake worked by applying the front disc calipers. When they were hot, they'd grip tight, but as they cooled and contracted, they'd release. I think it was the same Saab that you had to put into reverse to take the key out - perhaps that's why!

With regards an old-style mini, I'd bet the handbrake was just rubbish - they always were. My mother-in-law has one and carries a brick in the passenger footwell. It's a solution, I suppose, though I'd prefer to fix the handbrake. Current: 2010 Range Rover L322
Vogue SE, TDV8 3.6, Bournville
Now gone: 2002 Range Rover L322
Vogue, TD6, Giverney Green

Post #420100 29th Dec 2016 11:39pm
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Member Since: 08 Jan 2016
Location: Leamington Spa
Posts: 544

United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue TDV8 Stornoway Grey

Seem to recall Citroen Xantia's had a habit of not staying in the same place they were parked in at one time. Drives:
2010 FFRR TdV8 Vogue - Stornoway Grey
2010 FFRR TdV8 Vogue SE - Zermatt Silver
1998 BMW E36 M3 GTII

Post #420116 30th Dec 2016 8:51am
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