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Member Since: 02 May 2016
Location: Nottinghamshire
Posts: 248

England 2003 Range Rover Vogue Td6 Zambezi Silver
This hard re-set to get the radio working really works!!!

Had to swap a six month old battery the other day, 3 times in the last month I called out the AA as the battery had gone flat overnight. The first bloke said I must have left something turned on, the second said that I wasn't driving it far enough to charge it up. Neither of these was true and these were the conclusions they came to after testing the car for half an hour after jump starting it and declaring everything was checking out ok. The third time I called them out the first thing the bloke said was that his testing thingy (he had a different one to the other two) was saying the battery was toast. Went back to the place that supplied the battery and showed them a print out the AA man had given me and they agreed to swap it, but I asked them to check for themselves first. First the 'mechanic' ("I am only here part time as I am doing a uni course so that I can join the Navy as an electrical engineer") couldn't find the release catch at the front of the bonnet then couldn't find the battery. After testing he agreed that the battery was an ex-parrot (see Monty Python parrot sketch) and would replace it and by the way did I want him to do the swap? I decided not to risk it and did it myself then half an hour later drove off with the new battery installed. Going home I tried the radio ( I hadn't used it for a few days in case it drained the old battery) and it wouldn't work! I have had the ff for a while now and usually it is a case of look at the worst case scenario first - water in the r/h rear compartment etc, but this time the ff gods must have been smiling on me as when I did the battery hard re-set (the fuses were ok) everything started back up. Sometimes we do get lucky.... QUID FACIUM TIBI

2003 TD6 VOGUE Zambezi Silver
tows 2006 Lunar Delta 540/2

Post #412420 6th Nov 2016 7:44pm
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