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Member Since: 28 Sep 2015
Location: Manchester
Posts: 31

United Kingdom 2004 Range Rover Autobiography 4.4 V8 Zambezi Silver
Potential Ebay scammer warning

I need to get a new engine for my 2004 4.4 V8, and as such I've been checking out ebay for viable replacements. The garage undertaking the job found one to show me which had 6 months warranty - this I thought was fantastic on a 2nd hand engine and I told them to go ahead.

The advert claimed the engine was in Manchester - which was perfectfor me. I emailed the seller and asked whether the engine was still in the donor or whether it had been removed. He messaged back saying it was already a pallet ready to ship.

I let my garage know and they tried to contact to make payment and arrange delivery, that's when the alarms started to go off. The seller wouldn't accept PayPal, and also claimed their credit card machine was down, so would only accept payment via bank transfer.

My garage looked a bit closer at the advert and saw discrepancies in the contact details (The seller was in Manchester in Yorkshire, the street address didn't match the postcode, the photos of the engine showed different engines in different cars). They called to tell me that they thought this was a scam and I should avoid it.

I decided to test their theory and contacted the seller asking whether I could collect the engine myself as I was in a desperate need for it.

They replied saying I could collect, but the engine was in their Glasgow warehouse.

I waited a while then replied that I had a driver delivering a vehicle in Hamilton and that she would be happy to call to collect it from Glasgow the next day (Today - Friday).

The response was that they were unable to get it loaded onto our vehicle until Monday next week.

I responded saying that I was really desperate, would they be able to ship it before then, and they said if I paid now, they would be able to get it shipped out via courier Friday morning (but not onto our transporter it seems).

I'm going to report the seller to ebay but didn't want anyone else falling for what appears to be a scam.

Post #411107 28th Oct 2016 11:20am
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Member Since: 28 Oct 2007
Location: Perth Perth the end of the Earth
Posts: 2964

Australia 2008 Range Rover Supercharged 4.2 SC V8 Rimini Red

Their eBay history is a bit "odd" not sold very much apart from some car audio stuff over a year ago and still managed to have 100% positive feedback , has no other stock either .I think you are right to be weary . 2008 MY Supercharged
Rimini Red / Jet
four zone climate
remote park heater
and no ugly kid windows.
magnus satis quod turpis satis

Post #411218 29th Oct 2016 1:11am
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Member Since: 26 May 2010
Location: Warwickshire. England. The Commonwealth.
Posts: 4029

United Kingdom 2014 Range Rover Vogue SE SDV8 Corris Grey

With EBAY the rules are simple.
1. It's a scam until you positively know otherwise
2. Anyone wanting bank transfer is a scammer
3. EBAY sellers want to sell, so excuses to try and make it go their way amounts to a scammer.

Post #411230 29th Oct 2016 7:57am
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Member Since: 04 Mar 2014
Location: East Yorkshire
Posts: 8436

England 2014 Range Rover Autobiography SDV8 Loire Blue

If you look at the ID history it always tells a story, they have bought this ID with good feedback, lots of ebay ID's being sold out there for good money... they then just change the name....

User ID.............................Effective Date.........End Date

There are scammers on eBay, just like there are anywhere else in society, there is also a large majority of decent honest people trying to make a living, it doesn't take much to sort out the good from the bad, just stick to eBay rules and you can't go far wrong..... Pete
2014 L405 Autobiography SDV8 4.4 Loire Blue Ebony interior
2011 L322 Vogue SE 4.4 TDV8 Baltic Blue. Sold
2012 L322 Autobiography 5.0 Supercharged Ipanema Sand Sold
2002 L322 Vogue 4.4 V8 Epson Green (Fatty Offroader) Sold
-Click for Project Fatty off roader-

Post #411259 29th Oct 2016 11:13am
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