Reminds me of when I bought an old e32 seven series BMW. 1990ish year
Lovely condition, but the gearbox 'had gone'. Two garages had quoted 2k to replace it. The seller sourced a secondhand gearbox, and put it in the boot, couldn't get anyone to fit it! He sold it in that old jalopy and flatshares paper Loot.
I got it, for £200. Trailered it home, and jacked it up to change the box.
To find the selector cable had broken.
£20 new, ordered, fitted, car was perfect.
sold the gearbox for £150. Sold the car for £850, after smoking it around for a couple of months. Lovely car.
We all have tales like these. Your transfer box one, is great, but a little sad, that you took the box out!
-but sounds better for the wallet, or did you already redo the 'box?