I don't get this! I unlocked the boot with the remote this morning, loaded up and shut it. When I came back to the car a few minutes later, the remote wouldn't work. Unlocking with the key got me some beeping, but I put the key in the ignition and started it up fine. No more beeping.
So far I have:
Changed the key battery (although it was quite new anyway)
Resynched the key - It doesn't seem to work every time, but it's acknowledged with a lock/unlock a couple of times
Checked codes - got one "magnet" error and a lock error, which I suspect is the sticky passenger lock
I can still unlock/lock with the key in the lock, and with the dash button a few times - then that stops until I start the engine. Auto locking at speed has failed too.
According to my code reader, the car thinks the key is still in learn mode.
I'll disconnect the battery shortly, but what else could I try? I think I need to replace the passenger lock solenoid anyway as that's getting worse and may be confusing things.