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Member Since: 30 Jun 2014
Location: Cheshire
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United Kingdom 2002 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Oslo Blue
Tartarini LPG RPG05 Water Elbows change tips

Had a water leak from my RPG05 (sounds like a weapon Rocket Propelled Grenade)

So changed the two water elbows (blue arrowed in photo) but just wanted to advise a couple of tips for others because I made a few mistakes (and lessons now learnt) all in the name of taking one for the team .....

1. The elbows are available from Autogas2000 (I have no affiliation with the company) for a few pounds.

2. My RPG05 was vertical mounted so the 2 elbows were at the bottom. They are held in with a metal fork/plate and a screw (shown with red arow)

3. The screw is a Philips No.2.

4. Autogas2000 were helpful on the phone with advice if needed and they basically advised me on this process below.

5. Release pressure in system by open coolant expansion tank cap

6. Close expansion tank cap to cause a slight vacuum when hoses are removed so mimimise coolant loss

7. Prepare some wire / hook to support / raise up the pipe ends above expansion tank height after they are released from the RPG05 to minimise coolant loss

8. Unscrew the Philips No.2 screw between the 2 elbows (I had to do this blind)

9. Work around with a flat blade to ease out the elbows

10. Once out secure them upwards using your prepared wire hooks (you did prepare that didn't you?) to minimise coolant loss

11. Change elbows for new ones on your heater hose. I found I had to cut back the last inch where the old connector was to give a good seal as the pipe had hardened.

12. Do not attempt to clean the bores inside the RPG05 with even fine sandpaper (as I discovered it scores very easily when trying to get out some old Plumbers Mait which some previous owner had used on the joint). Censored - I found out too late and may have a permenant drip from this now! Any tips of filling in the light score/scratch would be appreciated. Autogas2000 advised me not sandpaper it after I did it - my usual heavy handed approach loses again.

13. Apply vaseline to Elbows rubber ring before re-inserting into the RPG05 - this allows the ring to settle properly

14. Reinsert elbows to RPG05 - it may be best to try and put both elbows together with the metal fork/plate and offer up all 3 items at the same time

15. Using your fifth hand (you have 5 hands right? or like me you had to do some dextrous finger movements without dropping the tiny screw) insert the Philips No.2 screw through plate and into the RPG05 body.

16. When tightening this screw do not over tighten it (was the advice from Autogas2000)

Good luck! Howard
2002 4.4 V8 LPG Tartarini
Have RSW AllComms in Cheshire J17 M6 - happy to help.
*Gone: Classic Vogue SE Auto V8 3.9 Sad

Post #287086 17th Oct 2014 3:11pm
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Member Since: 04 Mar 2014
Location: East Yorkshire
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England 2014 Range Rover Autobiography SDV8 Loire Blue

If the hoses were hard then I'd change them if I were you, most LPG installers are working to a budget and use cheap hose, if you do change them, get new "t" pieces as well as they will be brittle and snap, also I would recommend proper branded jubilee clips, not cheap ones...

It's also a lot easier to remove the vaporiser when changing elbows or anything else....

If you do get a leak, take it off, strip them out, clean all surfaces with petrol or other spirit based cleaner and use a smear of Tiger seal, available from vehicle paint supply shops... (Don't get it on your hands, it stains for days) Pete
2014 L405 Autobiography SDV8 4.4 Loire Blue Ebony interior
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Post #287087 17th Oct 2014 3:20pm
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Member Since: 30 Jun 2014
Location: Cheshire
Posts: 459

United Kingdom 2002 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Oslo Blue

Many thanks for all the tips Haylands Smile

I will monitor the leak and see if I need some Tiger Seal later.

I had a look at many T pieces but many look like nylon ones with multiple barbs I have used in the past which seem to split after a short while. Any advice one good ones make / model etc

The T Pieces are located right at the back of the engine bay and appear to be T'eed off the heater inlet / outlet.

Any tips for easy access? I was also wondering whether it is worthwhile replacing the original heater hoses to inlet / outlet while I am in that region.

Any tips would be useful - or do you leave well alone. cheers. Howard
2002 4.4 V8 LPG Tartarini
Have RSW AllComms in Cheshire J17 M6 - happy to help.
*Gone: Classic Vogue SE Auto V8 3.9 Sad

Post #287107 17th Oct 2014 3:53pm
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Member Since: 04 Mar 2014
Location: East Yorkshire
Posts: 8491

England 2014 Range Rover Autobiography SDV8 Loire Blue

Always got my bits from Tinley Tech, have a look here

I'd check the original hoses but they do tend to be better quality, if they are hard or perishing then change them....

Access is always a problem, just have to take stuff off till you can get to them, remove the fresh air inlet piece and that gives a lot of room back there, two 13mm nuts near the bonnet seal at the back of the engine bay and the center section with the fresh air filter just pulls off..... Be careful with the original hoses that go to the firewall as you can damage the pipes inside the heater if you rag the pipes off... then it's a huge job...

As I said, change them if they need it, if the hoses are bulging even slightly just after the jubilee clip where the pipe has no support from the fitting then I'd do them soonish...

Depending how old the system is maybe worth changing the filters and giving the vaporiser a rebuild, there are kits on that web site... If it's running OK just do the filters.... that's all an LPG garage do when they service the system.... Pete
2014 L405 Autobiography SDV8 4.4 Loire Blue Ebony interior
2012 L322 Autobiography 5.0 Supercharged Ipanema Sand Sold
2011 L322 Vogue SE 4.4 TDV8 Baltic Blue. Sold
2002 L322 Vogue 4.4 V8 Epson Green (Fatty Offroader) Sold
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Post #287146 17th Oct 2014 5:17pm
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Member Since: 30 Jun 2014
Location: Cheshire
Posts: 459

United Kingdom 2002 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Oslo Blue

Wow - those coolant hose joints look just what I have been looking for - metal / brass much more substantial than the nylon ones.

Monitored the potential leak and all is dry with no coolant loss so happy lpg system again.

Thank you very much for the tips and your time writing it up. I am sure it will be of use to others. Howard
2002 4.4 V8 LPG Tartarini
Have RSW AllComms in Cheshire J17 M6 - happy to help.
*Gone: Classic Vogue SE Auto V8 3.9 Sad

Post #287149 17th Oct 2014 5:20pm
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Barrie Springthorpe

Member Since: 01 Dec 2015
Location: Lincolnshire
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England 2004 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Zambezi Silver
Tartarini LPG

I recently took my RR 4.4 to have it sorted at Autogas 2000 and the workshop guy could not be more helpful. I wish I`d taken my car to them before instead of the so-called experts . I travelled 120 mls for the service but it was well worth the trip and I`ll be going back when its due the next service.

Post #393538 28th Jun 2016 9:43pm
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