Under PAYE your new employer is required to deduct tax on the basis of a coding notice from HMRC or, if one has not been issued, then basic rate deduction on everything (i.e. with no tax free amount).
Contact HMRC and tell them about the change as soon as you can and ask them to issue your new employer with a tax code notice. If it doesn't happen in time for your June salary (depends on your employer's payroll cutoff date) then it should all be sorted the following month so should average out. That may not help your cashflow though.
Your self assessment registration with HMRC will still be relevant, especially as your circumstances have changed mid way through a tax year, and they will expect you to submit a self assessment tax return at the end of the tax year.
Remember that, unless HMRC have confirmed in writing to you that you no longer need to submit self assessment returns, then you will need to continue doing them. They are usually happy to do this once they know your only income will be from PAYE employment.
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