The one at 44 seconds in that looks like a Batmobile was sunk by a Japanese fishing vessel.
Earthrace was an amazing powerboat that holds the record for a powerboat to circumnavigate the globe (60 days, 23 hours, 49 minutes). The new world record was completed in 27 June 2008 by skipper and founder of Earthrace, Pete Bethune, and his volunteer International crew. Throughout, the boat was run on 100% biofuel with a net carbon zero footprint in order to draw attention to the need for renewable fuels and sustainable living
On 6 January 2010, the Earthrace/Ady Gil was rammed by the Japanese whaling essel Shonan Maru #2. All the crew (with the exception of our mascot, 'Eartha' who was lost at sea) were rescued with only minor injuries. Sadly, the boat could not be saved
I saw the craft when it was moored in Paris before it set off on the record attempt and got some pictures of it, it was a wave piercing trimaran, looked incredible, and I still have the T shirt!!