Anyone else noticed a strange hard to describe noise in 3rd gear? I have this when car is not under load, just cruising slowly, or slowly going through slightly downhill road (like 30-50 kmh not when crawling), happens at the end of 3rd gear before change to 4th (but not high in rpms, something along 1500-2000 rpm tops), sound is like "whup whup whup whup" and then it goes to 4th and all is fine. It is not very loud but noticeable for me. Does not do it in any other gear, does not do it when applying throttle. No problem when going WOT either. All gears change just fine.
Oh and it does not want to do it when in manual mode, tried a bunch of times today. 07 3.6 TDV8 Vogue
Buckingham Blue / Sand / Piano