My New 55 RR S/C few issues | |
Hi All, Got my new RR S/C last week and have a few issues, love the car though! back to indy or warranty?
1- Had reduced power, done some research and turns out could be cooling pump/wiring. is it work swapping cable myself or request new pump?
2- Filled her right up and all was good but then empty-full petrol gauge issue, once past 3/4 no issues to 1/4, filled up to half no issues.
3- slight weep on rear diff.
What you guys think?
1 -Was thinking check pump wiring myself and reverse if required.
2- Keep eye on gauge.
3- request new/refurb diff if warranty covers, gold RAC.
apart from above love the car and everything else is mint!! so don't want to be parted with her.