Sorry to hear and sorry to say, it could be a whole number of issues.
Do you hear any VANOS rattling going on apart maybe from start up ?? When those systems get older they start developing some issues that could result in problems like you are describing.
Second potential is fuel system. Filters clean ?? Try to run injector cleaner for a bit, the BM44 or something recommended on here, if you can get it Down Under. On my SC I had the entire fuel system cleaned and updated the software (I have a Faultmate) and I suggest that you see if you can get the software updated as well, just to be sure that it isn't an issue with that. Also the entire inlet manifold was cleaned. After that, no more EML or other issues but that was a 4.2 SC that had been sitting still in the Nigerian sun for 2 years.
Next potential issue is electrics, ignition coils, wiring etc. Maybe after 12 years in the heat the insulation is getting a bit worse for the wear, plugs getting tired etc.
A fairly simple one is the MAF sensor, you will find it behind the air filter on its way to the engine somewhere. I don't know the early models location of the MAF, only on the 4.2. Take it out, clean it with good quality medicinal grade alcohol or brake cleaner, let it dry and put it back in. I used a cotton bud to gently wipe it clean.
It sound like fuel/ignition related. Even the accelerator could be the problem, as it is a potentiometer. Some WD-40 or contact cleaner on it could make a difference as well.
Hope this is of help and keep us posted please on how you go MY 2010 5.0 SC Galway green and sand interior!!
Have the Faultmate MSV2 Extreme to be tinkering with the settings etc. !!