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Member Since: 12 Jan 2014
Location: UK
Posts: 39

2007 Range Rover Vogue TDV8 Java Black
6 months in-experiences - control arms, EAS, & Gummie Fl

I've lurked here long enough and asked a few bits of advice so I thought I'd give a bit back Ive a MY 07, 3.6 TDV8, known to me for some years, so when it came up for sale I got it. I knew it had been maintained 'at a price' so I bought it below book with eyes open. A few months of trouble free when past, until a persistent EAS faulty and some blown hoses drew me to our friend CAM_TECH. Craig and I have a constructive conversation where we identified some problems, some things that hadn't necessarily ben done to his standard, and some things that might be worth doing to what appears to be a straight and solid car. The nature of my work is such that I don't need the L322 everyday but when I do, it has to start in the button and be totally reliable. As of today the car sits at 104,000 or which some 6K is mine, and since october, the car has been mostly perfect. Importantly, and testament to Craigs work, it also carries a cam-tech sticker on the rear window which demonstrates my faith in him. So - what have I learned? An L322 is a minor super car a with needs. At nearly 7 years old there will be bills. This, I expected, but also what I have learned is there are somethings you can live without, somethings that will go away (mine hates curb crawling suspension articulation when cold - it throws and EAS fault if you do it) with a turn of the ignition key, and something you don't skimp on with a 3 tone car- like brakes. Craig has now fitted OEM brake components which resolved annoying shimmy and snatching from cheap brakes. I recommended this course of action to a friend - who now cannot think me enough. Preventive or regular maintenance or replacement of components like ABS sensors and tailgate straps should be entered into. Mine had the worst TG straps you've ever seen - and should have been replaced by the previous owner.

Hoses and the like are going to fail at 7 years old and a bit of preventative inspection and replacement would be good.

Regular valeting (by yourself) will generate more than one admiring comment everytime you go out in one of these cars.

GEARBOX OIL GEARBOX OIL GEARBOX OIL. Whilst I though the L322 changed well up and down the box, after CAm-Tech changed the oil it was notable better, along with the reassurance that the magnets showed little sign of metal debris - GET THE OIL CHECKED AND CHANGED.

Fuel Consumption will always be sub 30mpg regardless of how you drive it if you are doing a combined urban/motorway - live with it.

Ive also had control arms, and various bits and pieces done which I've forgotten about but no doubt Craig will remind us of if you are interested.

What have I bought to add to the L322 - tinting of the windows by a brilliant guy in Newport - what a difference -without looking like a street pharmacist. Ive bought a load space rubber mat - very handy this weekend in the snow, an ID2 tool - nice to play, oh and a replacement NSR door seal to replace the one that fell off on route to Norfolk. Ive also applied Gummie Fledge liberally.

So - what next

IM running on standard rims for the rest of the so called winter before I get some swop-out rims fro Craig. These will be the summer-set and the OEMS will then be fitted with an appropriate set of AT's.

The only fly in the ointment is paranoia about the faintest whistle at about 30mph under load - which as many of you will now is the turbo expressing is dissatisfaction. Its far from the 'siren' that many owners report, and there's no sign of smoke or loss of performance, but Ive no doubt it'll be checked out soon and preventative maintenance undertaken.

Apart from loving the car, enjoying meeting its admirers and members of this forum, I'm delighted to say that last week it sailed through an MOT with no advisories..

If (especially newbies) have any questions whatsoever about my experiences and thoughts, I'd be happy to answer them by way of giving something back to this forum

Jamie (SE Wales)

Post #306334 19th Jan 2015 5:46pm
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Member Since: 20 Jan 2012
Location: here and there...but not where I should be
Posts: 1899

Wales 2003 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Monte Carlo Blue

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Nice report fella. Not all 322's are bad uns, just the older they get you have to pamper them more......bit like us really Laughing If it dont work.......burn it!

If the IId tool cant fix it.......burn the FF.

If the FF cant be a Land Cruiser!

If the LC cant be fixed..............................................BUY a horse !!

Post #306359 19th Jan 2015 7:56pm
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