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Member Since: 23 Nov 2014
Location: Devon
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United Kingdom 2002 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Bonatti Grey
2002 TD6 - Infotainment Meltdown

I've searched on this and found a number of possible solutions, none of which have worked. The situation is as follows:

2002 TD6 Vogue with DSP etc.

No sound from anything and screen is defaulting to the one driven by the TV module so it looks like this. I don't have the sat-nav plugged in, that comes later-

Click image to enlarge

You'll notice that there is no OBC display or time/date etc. If you push the Radio button you get this-

Click image to enlarge

No stations or anything but you do get the orange light which I think indicates the BM54 is getting power. Therefore I believe the pre-amp is blown, still no OBC or date/time. If I plug the satnav in I get the following -

Click image to enlarge

If I put the sat-nav disc in I get this but the screen freezes and won't respond to any buttons. This would indicate that the i-bus is working as I'm getting comms with the sat-nav unit but not sure if the freezing is due to the display unit or the sat-nav.I'm edging towards the sat-nav as I thought the screen was"dumb" so thinking maybe it needs a software re-flash -

Click image to enlarge

I'm verging on ripping the whole lot out and installing a standalone unit as I've removed the relevant fuses (8 & 49) overnight, disconnected the battery and shorted the ends, checked all the connections, looked for signs of damp, cleaned all the connections etc. etc. but nothing seems to change. I don't understand why I don't get any radio stations shown or more importantly no OBC. It doesn't show up on the dash either, pressing the OBC button on the indicator stalk does nothing. The display works cos I get Air suspension notices when I disconnect and re-connect the battery. I know the head unit was replaced before I bought it so wondering if a connector has come loose? Can't seem to find any information on where the OBC data comes from despite searching RAVE etc.

I'm only annoyed because the rest of the car is brilliant.

Grateful for any ideas.

Post #295916 29th Nov 2014 5:41pm
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Member Since: 22 Nov 2009
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Hi LB,
You are correct: the screen is dumb. I do find it difficult to believe that more than one unit in the infotainment system has died simultaneously: w/o the nav-computer connected you should have all other functions with the display format you show. Unless you had serious water ingress which has now dried and actually left multiple components damaged, I'd still look to the i-Bus first. You may have one bad unit that is causing issues on the bus system. Start by disconnecting everything except the TV module from the system, then re-connect one component after another testing for function each time.

I would not rip everything out - with a MKIV nav computer and SW update, the system is actually quite good IMO. About the only drawback is the missing touch screen - and then really only when you are entering addresses. And none of the aftermarket units have the level of integration you do with OEM bits.
RRC 2Dr, RRC 4Dr,
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(wife thinks I'm nuts - prob right, too)

Post #296282 1st Dec 2014 12:31pm
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Member Since: 11 Jun 2011
Location: Beside the Solway
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England 2004 Range Rover Vogue Td6 Giverny Green

You could try checking the 10A fuse on the top of the BM54, below the large connector plug.
After that I would guess corrosion of one or more plugs on the DSP or in the DSP itself.
Worth also "wiggling" the cables to the connector plugs on the top of the DSP whilst the radio is switched on.

Post #296308 1st Dec 2014 3:39pm
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Well I've ripped the whole lot out of mine, head unit, BM54 DSP amp TV Sat Nav DVD and fitted the Android head unit and I still get the OBC data come up on the dash display when I press the end of the steering stalk, In which case I would imagine your problem has nothing to do with the units listed above.... Who knows what it could be then.... Pete
2014 L405 Autobiography SDV8 4.4 Loire Blue Ebony interior
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Post #296385 1st Dec 2014 6:25pm
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Member Since: 23 Nov 2014
Location: Devon
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United Kingdom 2002 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Bonatti Grey

I'll try the one by one option as recommended and see what I get. The lack of OBC does seem to be a different issue but as I said before it's not clear where this info comes from or where it's stored. I have accessed the so-called "secret" menu on the display and things like mpg etc. are being stored but not being displayed.

Post #296419 1st Dec 2014 8:06pm
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Member Since: 04 Nov 2011
Location: Derbyshire
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Buckingham Blue

Not sure about the OBC, but it's the sat Nav that drives the screen graphics.

I take it the system has always been like that whilst you've had the car ?

I'd check the part number of the sat nav unit.

That said, the older units will try and drive the screen with a 4:3 aspect ration instead of 16:9.......

Can you get a firmware update cd from somewhere ?

I take it you have the mk3 sat nav with just a black front, without DVD on it ?

Can you see anywhere a firmware version. Could be like 3/01 or something ? 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE 4.4 TDV8

Previous cars :
2003 Range Rover Vogue TD6
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1995 BMW M5 3.8 6 speed
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Post #296472 1st Dec 2014 10:31pm
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Member Since: 22 Nov 2009
Location: Strasbourg, France
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The nav computer makes the graphics come out in a nice LR color scheme - but there are default graphics if the nav dies or is disconnected. LB had the nav disconnected according to his 1st post.

The OBC info is stored outside of the infotainment system - most likely the cluster but I am not certain (never looked into it Wink ). If the Android units can access that, then it is a step up from the older imitation BMW head units that people were selling. I still don't like them - and the curved faceplate does not cut it. But this is simply my opinion.

But that is not what I meant with integration: it is not only the OBC data or little things like being able to set the clock (without disconnecting and reconnecting the battery at exactly 12:00 as I read somewhere Rolling Eyes ), it is things like being able to scroll your contacts in the info display in the cluster, voice commands activated by the steering wheel buttons, or in the case of a diesel, being able to set the park-heat timer (park heat needs to be activated with an appropriate diagnostic tool, of course Cool ).

You are driving a GBP70k car. It is not worth saving a few hundred quid. As above, tho, this is just my opinion. Everyone needs to choose what makes them happy Thumbs Up 
RRC 2Dr, RRC 4Dr,
P38, and 2 L322s
(wife thinks I'm nuts - prob right, too)

Post #296506 2nd Dec 2014 8:05am
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Member Since: 23 Nov 2014
Location: Devon
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United Kingdom 2002 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Bonatti Grey

Haven't had a chance to do anything for a while other than take everything out but for the TV ready to put in one unit at a time. Had a spare 10 minutes this morning so put it all back in in stages and lo and behold I had sound!! The radio had stations and the tape worked. The CD cartridge is missing so no way to check that. Had a quick play with settings etc. and all fine. Didn't plug the satnav in as I'm sure that needs a software re-flash.

Felt very pleased with myself. Very Happy

Went back out a couple of hours later and guess what, no sound!! Back to as it was before with no radio stations etc. Evil or Very Mad

I'm now thinking it might be a dodgy aerial because the DSP and radio pre-amp etc. must be working. More investigation to do. I've got the software and hardware now to check the I-bus so will give that a go and see what it tells me.

Post #298950 14th Dec 2014 5:19pm
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Member Since: 11 Jun 2011
Location: Beside the Solway
Posts: 3979

England 2004 Range Rover Vogue Td6 Giverny Green

Try disconnecting the battery -ve terminal, reconnect, steering full lock to lock and see if your sound comes back on.

Post #298962 14th Dec 2014 6:48pm
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Member Since: 23 Nov 2014
Location: Devon
Posts: 9

United Kingdom 2002 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Bonatti Grey

No result disconnecting battery etc. Disconnected everything again and reconnected radio and DSP. Have sound again!! Leaving it until the morning to see if it stays working. Sounds good when it works.

Post #299138 15th Dec 2014 7:03pm
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Member Since: 11 Jun 2011
Location: Beside the Solway
Posts: 3979

England 2004 Range Rover Vogue Td6 Giverny Green

If it goes off again which it probably will Whistle instead of disconnecting everything try disconnecting the largest of the three plugs on the DSP and reconnect it and see what happens.
I suspect you have a bit of corrosion on one of the plugs or sockets due to past water ingress and the DSP is the prime culprit for this. If you remove the plug look for any signs of green verdigris on the plug connections or the pins in the socket.
If you find any it needs cleaned off.... very carefully. Thumbs Up

A word of caution, if you do find you need to clean any of the connections on this socket it's a good idea to remove Fuse 49 on the glove box fuseboard first as the Red/Green connection is permanently live from the battery.

Post #299168 15th Dec 2014 8:40pm
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Member Since: 23 Nov 2014
Location: Devon
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United Kingdom 2002 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Bonatti Grey

Well still have sound after a few days. I sprayed all the connectors with cleaner, dried them off and put it all back together and so far so good. Now it's stable I'll start connecting the other units back in and hopefully the faulty one will show up. Sending the satnav off for re-flashing and hopefully that will sort that out.

Post #299514 17th Dec 2014 5:23pm
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Member Since: 23 Nov 2014
Location: Devon
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United Kingdom 2002 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Bonatti Grey

Further update. I've found the faulty unit. I started to plug the units back in one by one and found the fault on the very first one. Its the small silver box that is bolted to the bottom of the sat nav bracket. I believe it's the voice recognition box for the telephone. As soon as I plug it in I lose all sound and radio stations etc. Unplug it and it's all back. Very Happy

Here's a picture of the offending unit. Feels like I'm at last making progress. I'm not sure what functionality I'm losing without this unit but will probably replace it eventually. Really want to get the sat nav fixed first.

Post #299704 18th Dec 2014 6:19pm
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Member Since: 13 Dec 2013
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United Kingdom 2003 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Giverny Green

mine has not got that box and everything sound related works fine
nice when you find the offending item Thumbs Up

Post #299709 18th Dec 2014 6:47pm
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Member Since: 04 Nov 2011
Location: Derbyshire
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Buckingham Blue

The ff had the TCM which is the telephone control module and that voice recognition unit available as options.

In later BMW cars, they were combined To form the ULF units, which can be retrofitted to offer integrated bluetooth, as you prob know......

Thumbs Up 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE 4.4 TDV8

Previous cars :
2003 Range Rover Vogue TD6
1999 Discovery Td5 ES
1995 BMW M5 3.8 6 speed
1992 Range Rover 3.9 Efi Vogue
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1981 Ford Fiesta Supersport

Post #299727 18th Dec 2014 8:01pm
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