I love the way H&S doesn't seem to have caught on much over there - like allowing a truck load of blokes to be working on the section whilst they were lowering it
If I may bore you all for a second. I remember a couple of years back talking with a couple of engineers in BAE Salmesbury and they'd been on a visit to a similar plant in Japan. During this visit they noticed the busbars alongside the walkway were not covered and this made them slightly uneasy so they raised it with their host. They were told this was done to keep any heat from building up inside the enclosure.
When they then questioned the H&S side of the situation their host looked surprised and informed them that no one could possibly get electrocuted as the busbars were out of arms reach of the walkway and only authorised personnel were permitted to cross the white line
Mind you, I remember not that long ago loading machines onto trucks for transport to site and the apprentice was sent onto the top to attached the lifting chains. He then stayed there while the machine was lifted onto the truck and once sat down he would un-hook the chains and climb down the ladder someone would position for him. It was the highlight of his week
Today he can't even use the ladder 