Am amused (and fascinated) that selling a pair of side vents can generate so much interest/comment!
You compel me to correct some facts and debunk some myths:
1. JOKER: you have a downer on ebay fees. The listing fee was zero. The final value fee was <£5 meaning I netted £51. pld118 thought that £30 was 'reasonable, but did not make an offer. So was it better to net £51 on ebay, or not receive £30 on FFRR? Let me know if you need help on that one...
2. alanm_3: your 'less than sensible offer' was for the grille, not the side vents. I realise that they look similar but you would need a hacksaw and some patience to make them fit. Turning to the grille itself, the famous 'less than sensible offer' was £50 inc P&P, meaning £35 net to me. Turns out someone was prepared to pay £67.55 plus postage on ebay, or £62.55 net to me, meaning that my circa £5 invested in using the ebay platform delivered an incremental RoI of 450% !! If only I could do that so easily with less trifling sums of money...
So I think there are two key conclusions from this analysis:
1. if you want to sell something for a sensible price, use eBay
2. if you want some entertainment (and make some new friends), use FFRR
ps: all very tongue in cheek before anyone gets too offended