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Member Since: 08 Aug 2010
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Stinson Hunter

This guy poses as children in internet chat rooms and gets paedophiles to meet. When the guy turns up the encounter is filmed, posted online and given to the police. He's exposted 60-70 paedophiles and contributed to 10 convitions.

Here's an example of a Telford solicitor thinking he's going to meet a girl of just 13.

There's going to be a channel 4 documentary about it on Wednesday.

It is entrapment, which the police are not allowed to do. I'm generally not in favour of entrapment because it induces a person to commit a criminal offense that the person would have otherwise been unlikely to commit. Journalists doing it are also on some dodgy ground - look at the recent Tulisa case.

Here, I'm not so sure. These men are targeting children in chat rooms and I think this an excellent way to catch them.

It is shocking. Fairly normal looking people wanting to abuse vulnerable children. I would like to punch them in the face. With a bowling ball. And for that reason I'd much rather the authorities were doing this than the general public.

Post #283800 30th Sep 2014 7:37pm
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Have to agree with you all the way.

IMO the crime has already begun when these despicable excuses go onto the chat rooms.

I guess the Hunter's actions can be verified above board so long as ALL the on-line conversations are published so any genuine mistakes can be weeded out.

Post #283810 30th Sep 2014 8:31pm
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I just saw the advert on TV, picked up my iPad and saw this post.. Yes, there are some sick people out there that need stopped. Previously..
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Post #283811 30th Sep 2014 8:41pm
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Member Since: 22 Jul 2013
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Fair enough, but give the police the information, don't post it on YouTube, isn't that a breach of human rights?

Post #283814 30th Sep 2014 8:58pm
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Who cares about their human rights

Post #283815 30th Sep 2014 9:12pm
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Member Since: 22 Jul 2013
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Don't get me wrong, I'm not condoning what they do, but I always thought that people were tried by a court of law in the uk, not trial by YouTube or vigilante!

Remember the PAEDIATRICIAN a few years back in Cornwall who was beaten up by his neighbours because they mistook Paedophile for Paediatrician.....

Post #283816 30th Sep 2014 9:14pm
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I agree up to a point, unfortunately with police resources being stretched anything that helps deter these people should be welcomed.

Post #283818 30th Sep 2014 9:23pm
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Member Since: 22 Jul 2013
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Agreed, but I don't feel comfortable with these vigilantes trapping people and posting the results on social media sites.

By all means if you have information, tell the authorities, don't do a trial by social media!

Post #283824 30th Sep 2014 9:46pm
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Member Since: 08 Aug 2010
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Yes, I'd much rather this was done through proper legal process.

Post #283834 1st Oct 2014 5:55am
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Member Since: 26 May 2010
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There is a legal system and a process for policing in this country (allegedly) and whilst I wholeheartedly and completely condemn these sick individuals I have an even larger contempt for tw4ts like this who think trial by media/angry mob/thicko hyena packs is in any way acceptable. It simply is not. Mob rule is for Neanderthals, no exceptions.

Really, who the F**k does this pr1c.k think he is? He should be prosecuted for inciting violence. Utter moron. Rolling Eyes

I know it's not easy to police the internet but to be honest we don't even try. It's more about making the site owners liable for such abuses. They must be forced to have a process for moderating sites where minors visit and a bullet proof process for ensuring minors cannot masquerade as adults. Facebook is a prime example of how a company makes no checks whatsoever against the information provided at sign up time. How many kids do you know with Facebook accounts? Same deal with Bebo and all those others. That's the real issue, companies skipping their responsibilities, parents doing likewise, Government not providing robust legislation and the Rozzers still stuck in 1989 not knowing what a computer is or how to go about any kind of enforcement.

Fix the above and a lot of this would be caught. But understand that trial by angry mob is not the answer in any shape, form or size. An old adage I know but 2 'Wrongs' don't make a 'Right'

Post #283854 1st Oct 2014 7:41am
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Member Since: 22 Jul 2013
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I was wrong, it wasnt Cornwall, it was South Wales.

From The Telegraph, Sept 2000

Paediatrician attack: 'People don't want no paedophiles here'

By Richard Eden

12:00AM BST 03 Sep 2000

WHEN Yvette Cloete left her native South Africa and moved to this country to train as a consultant doctor, she thought she was leaving far behind her the high crime rates and intimidation of her homeland.

Last weekend, waking up to find her home in a quiet South Wales cul-de-sac daubed with graffiti and paint, she could have been forgiven for believing she was back home again. Scrawled in white paint all over the windows of her rented house in the village of St Brides was the word "Paedo". She found it almost impossible to believe that vigilantes could have mistaken her, a paediatrician, for a paedophile.

The attack on her home could perhaps have been avoided if the News of the World had provided a glossary of terms for its readers, suggested her brother, André, 24, as he packed his belongings at the home he shared with his sister. He said: "It's hard to believe the ignorance of some people. I just can't see how they could confuse a doctor who cares for children with someone who abuses them."

Mr Cloete, a student who moved from Pretoria last year to join his sister in Wales, said that the attack had led him to question his preconceptions about British law and order. He said: "I thought that this sort of thing went on in South Africa but not here." He added that his sister had patients in the area and Chinese whispers could have led to confusion about her job title.

The late-night attack had been all the more shocking because it had happened in such a quiet, pleasant neighbourhood, his sister said. "There are a lot of nice families with children living in the area. I think it is horrendous - we have got lovely neighbours," she said. Residents of Pine Grove, a cul-de-sac of privately owned semis with neatly clipped front lawns, said they were sad that Dr Cloete would be leaving. "I remember her coming round to introduce herself when she arrived last year," said her next-door neighbour. "She was very nice, but I doubt we'll see her again now."

Across the road from Pine Grove is the Duffryn council estate, where among boarded-up homes and abandoned cars there appeared to be a, perhaps surprising, lack of sympathy for Dr Cloete. "I heard that the doctor's house had got attacked, but it's because people don't want no paedophiles here," said one mother of three young children, who did not want to be named. "If you've got children like me, then you can understand why people are worried about perverts." Another young woman said that people would take the law into their own hands if they felt that they were living near paedophiles. "It's bad that someone innocent's house has been attacked, but that will happen if they're not all locked up," she said.

Dr Cloete is the latest in a line of innocent bystanders to be singled out since the News of the World launched its campaign after the murder of Sarah Payne, the eight-year-old who was buried last week.

Post #283862 1st Oct 2014 8:15am
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Member Since: 08 Aug 2010
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mzplcg - there's been investigative journalism on TV, newspapers and the internet - about lots of issues. This guy is operating in exactly the same way by exposing it and passing detail on to the Police. The only difference here (maybe) is the subject matter, and as you predicted, and can see from Paul's response below yours, it invites mob reprisals.

I don't agree with you that monitoring chat rooms will fix it. I mean this: -

a bullet proof process for ensuring minors cannot masquerade as adults.

In fact, here was an adult pretending to be a minor. I don't know how your method would catch pedophiles.

Post #283864 1st Oct 2014 8:34am
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^^ there is no accounting for lack of education....... You can legislate against dumb ass idiots. There is nothing that can't be fixed with a hammer😜😜
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Post #283866 1st Oct 2014 8:35am
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KurtVerbose wrote:
mzplcg - there's been investigative journalism on TV, newspapers and the internet - about lots of issues. This guy is operating in exactly the same way by exposing it and passing detail on to the Police.

Posting things like this on Youtube is hardly investigative journalism. It's tantamount to inciting violence and creating a system of trial by mob.

KurtVerbose wrote:
In fact, here was an adult pretending to be a minor. I don't know how your method would catch pedophiles.

Preventing kids from entering Adult sites is one step. Moderating them is another. Said moderation ought to catch a decent percentage of adults masquerading as kids. Language, mannerisms etc will ultimately give them away unless they're extremely good, but ultimately their goal is to meet up in person which is a giveaway once the conversation gets there.

And as was highlighted in PaulTyrer's post
"It's bad that someone innocent's house has been attacked, but that will happen if they're not all locked up,"

Idiots like that should be locked up for being sh.1.t parents. Am I the only one who thinks collateral damage is unacceptable? Or that supervising my kids is actually part of being a parent? Or indeed that it is not up to society as a whole to wipe my ar5e for me?

I'll take care of my kids and I expect the authorities to mete out justice and uphold the rule of law. And morons who condone mob rule or incite violence in this fashion should also be dealt with by the authorities in swift fashion. They do not now, nor will they ever represent my wishes; Not in my name!

Post #283872 1st Oct 2014 9:03am
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Member Since: 08 Aug 2010
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How would it be different if it was broadcast on TV rather than youtube? It'd be no different.

Chat room policing, complete side issue. I'm interested in catching paedophiles not moderating a chat room. I'm mean, really - why would anyone care if an adult pretends to be a kid?

Post #283882 1st Oct 2014 10:30am
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