Hi all,
Have a hugh problem, so far not with the range but with arrangements we toke on a trip to Scotland with four persons. What happend?
We booked a trip starting tomorrow Saterday, 11 September in Zeebrugge to Hull and further on towards the Royal Terrace Hotel in Edinbrurgh on the Sunday 12, leaving Monday morning September13 towards the Boat of Garten near Inverness, next day , 14 –09 driving up toNevis Bank Inn at Fort William; leaving on 15 towards Stirling and driving back to Hull on Thursday 16 to arrive back in Belgium on Friday morning, September 17 in Zeebrugge.
We toke all papers home today and just a while back i looked into them and saw the travel agent got messed up and booked everything a week later, starting Saterday September 18 !!
Tomorrow morning w’ll try to get things straightend up by travel agent but nothing is sure.
I will manage to get us on board of the ferry to Hull and back but possibly some hotels could be fully booked! If so could someone give us some alternatives to stay these nights and in these regions in case we don’t manage to book accomodation through our travel agent.
W’ll leave tomorrow at 4 pm local time, so info should be send to my mobile sms +32 475 611029.