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Member Since: 04 Mar 2014
Location: East Yorkshire
Posts: 8444

England 2014 Range Rover Autobiography SDV8 Loire Blue

Oh, nearly forgot, ordered the part for the most important mod yet Very Happy

FFRR sticker ordered Thumbs Up Pete
2014 L405 Autobiography SDV8 4.4 Loire Blue Ebony interior
2011 L322 Vogue SE 4.4 TDV8 Baltic Blue. Sold
2012 L322 Autobiography 5.0 Supercharged Ipanema Sand Sold
2002 L322 Vogue 4.4 V8 Epson Green (Fatty Offroader) Sold
-Click for Project Fatty off roader-

Post #252462 3rd Apr 2014 4:39pm
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Member Since: 04 Mar 2014
Location: East Yorkshire
Posts: 8444

England 2014 Range Rover Autobiography SDV8 Loire Blue

kingpleb, I had another look at the underbody protection and I have to agree with you it is very well made, would cost a fortune to make and would outlive the car!!!!

Also got offered a full set for just a bit more than their scrap value so it would have been rude not to..... Cost �140

Got the front one fitted no bother but there are no brackets with the fuel tank and exhaust guard, I know the exhaust guard bolts to the tow bar but do you, or does anyone else have pics of the brackets, the rear of the fuel tank guard obviously bolts to the inner wish bone mountings with brackets and I take it you remove the plastic tank guard, but where does the front of the exhaust guard bolt to??

It is very substantial...

Also got my old private reg put on it, it doesn't stand for anything it was on a Merc S500 I bought some years ago....

Suppose it could stand for Trim looks Bl00dy Horrible Laughing Laughing Pete
2014 L405 Autobiography SDV8 4.4 Loire Blue Ebony interior
2011 L322 Vogue SE 4.4 TDV8 Baltic Blue. Sold
2012 L322 Autobiography 5.0 Supercharged Ipanema Sand Sold
2002 L322 Vogue 4.4 V8 Epson Green (Fatty Offroader) Sold
-Click for Project Fatty off roader-

Last edited by Haylands on 3rd Jun 2022 11:21pm. Edited 1 time in total

Post #253884 11th Apr 2014 5:06pm
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Member Since: 18 Feb 2012
Location: Sunshine Coast, Australia
Posts: 82

Australia 2003 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Santorini Black

Any more updates Pete. Terrific before and after shots throughout this great thread.

I also like the carbon fiber fwiw!
I have a spare centre console and cup holder so might carbon them and alternate depending on mood..... L322 4.4 Vogue MY03 - Her name is Bulletproof .... you already know she's not Smile
L322 4.4 Vogue MY05 - Sold to my brother
P38 4.6 HSE MY97 - Regretfully sold

Post #258024 7th May 2014 10:50am
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Member Since: 04 Mar 2014
Location: East Yorkshire
Posts: 8444

England 2014 Range Rover Autobiography SDV8 Loire Blue

My manageress had a stroke four weeks ago so I've been a bit busy, she got the "magic" drug they can give you if you get to hospital within four hours and has just started back at work after a miraculous recovery, although she's only doing a few hours a day....

I have done a few odds and sods but not got round to writing it up....

Also had fitted today a nice set of ..................... Ooooooops nearly gave the game away....

Update won't be long.....

Cheers Pete
2014 L405 Autobiography SDV8 4.4 Loire Blue Ebony interior
2011 L322 Vogue SE 4.4 TDV8 Baltic Blue. Sold
2012 L322 Autobiography 5.0 Supercharged Ipanema Sand Sold
2002 L322 Vogue 4.4 V8 Epson Green (Fatty Offroader) Sold
-Click for Project Fatty off roader-

Post #258029 7th May 2014 11:01am
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Member Since: 04 Mar 2014
Location: East Yorkshire
Posts: 8444

England 2014 Range Rover Autobiography SDV8 Loire Blue

As I said, not had time to progress as fast as I'd liked but I have been tinkering in these light evenings... posted some of these in their own thread so repeated them here to keep it all in one place....

Decided to have a look at designing some rock/tree sliders, removed the sill cover and the jacking points and found this...

Was a bit surprised to find rust on it... Laughing

It's just a bit of surface rust so cleaned it up and treated it... Also repaired the damaged seam where it's been jacked up badly before... There are lots of plugged holes along it's length so will be easy to rust treat the inner box section as well...

I've bought some 80mmx40mmx4mm box section, some flat plate and a some 42mm tube and it's a pretty easy fabrication, the sill is flat and straight unlike the Disco and RRC and the box section will sit flat on the reinforced jacking points, the sill cover will need a bit cutting out but will refit afterwards, it's needed as the outer door seal seals against it....

The two areas still needing attention with my truck was a rather loud and annoying clunk from the front when turning right or taking the left front wheel over a pothole, I had replaced the drop links as they looked past their best and checked all the ball joints and track rod end, retightened all the front suspension bolts with the weight on the car, all to no avail.... The other issue was a very hard 1st to second change, hot or cold, I had put this down to a solenoid but not got around to doing much other than changing the filter and oil in the box....

Well these cars are wonderful.... they fix themselves.....

On the way to the meeting point to it's first proper offroading, we were running late and I drove pretty fast for the last 20 odd miles, certainly harder than it's been since I've had it, after about 5 miles it went into it's "my gearbox is too hot" mode and started holding the gears, no overheat message but it didn't want to change out of third, it cooled down after a few miles and returned to normal...

Well, we noticed on the way home that both faults are now "fixed" the suspension is as quiet as a mouse and the 1st to 2nd change is as silky smooth as the rest.... I recon the suspension was the antiroll bar to subframe bushes that had gone hard and have now had a good workout and are a bit more supple again and the auto box oil got hot and flushed the crud out of the solenoid.... Not had time to check the bushes yet, and I will flush the box a few more times and check the oil cooler and rad to ensure it's getting cooled OK...

Certainly like these free fixes.... Very Happy

Rather muddy lane.... had a bit of wheel wobble after this.... you can see why I need some mud tyres...

Click image to enlarge

Click image to enlarge

Parked next to a RRC with a 4 inch suspension lift and 2 inch body lift.... doesn't look that much lower....

One of the lanes (only shallow ruts here)

Click image to enlarge

Then spent two hours with the jetwasher.....!!! Also one of the reversing light lenses fell off!!!

Changed all 19 interior lights for LED's now.... bl00dy hell it's like a Christmas tree Shocked Shocked

Managed to find a colour very close to the original and did some of the trim...

From this

To this

Click image to enlarge

And this

This is the colour, used matt lacquer over the top

Also bought two LED Cobb waterproof light strips, and a pluger switch and made up an underbonnet light, with a switch to turn them off for working during the day

Bright enough for all repairs.....

Bought a set of wheels and tyres, for a very fair price, off Ianmacd (thanks Ian) from this forum and although he lives on the south coast luckily they were only 50miles from a wedding we were going to, was an 800mile round trip though, the rangie didn't miss a beat and only took about �150 in gas...

The tyres are 255/55/19 Goodyear Wrangler MT/R's as used on the G4 L322's I think.

Got some new bolts as the wheels are from a 2006 onwards and they went from 20mm to 22.5mm...!!!

All fitted

Really like the new wheels, not vastly different to the old ones, gone from six to seven spokes and a bit more detail.... but I think they are a great improvement, proper tread pattern as well...

Click image to enlarge

They are not as noisy as I thought they would be, you know your on muds but they are pretty quiet at motorway speeds...

Also had some kind person smash the drivers side rear light in the supermarket car park, just the height of a trolley.... so on the lookout for a cheap one!!! Pete
2014 L405 Autobiography SDV8 4.4 Loire Blue Ebony interior
2011 L322 Vogue SE 4.4 TDV8 Baltic Blue. Sold
2012 L322 Autobiography 5.0 Supercharged Ipanema Sand Sold
2002 L322 Vogue 4.4 V8 Epson Green (Fatty Offroader) Sold
-Click for Project Fatty off roader-

Last edited by Haylands on 3rd Jun 2022 11:35pm. Edited 1 time in total

Post #258321 8th May 2014 7:31pm
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Member Since: 04 Mar 2014
Location: East Yorkshire
Posts: 8444

England 2014 Range Rover Autobiography SDV8 Loire Blue

Is anybody reading this??????

Finally got the new bolts for the rear upper hub rose joints, one snapped when doing the first side, did the other side yesterday and fitted the new bolt..... too darn short.... so another wait for the right ones....

New, Old, Broken...

Got a set of Johnson Rods to raise the suspension, they go from the suspension to a sensor and tell the ECU how high the car is, put longer rods on and it thinks it's lower so raises the suspension, got them second hand from Weejock (Colin) on here, they are supposed to fit straight on, the fronts were fine but the backs were nothing like the old ones, I touched the rear off side old rod and it fell apart with the lightest of touches, it's a metal rod with moulded rubber ends, the rubber had perished and one end fell off, the other end was split... Darn lucky I was going to replace them as it wouldn't have lasted another off road foray... Colin did offer to refund me but it's not his fault Johnson made them wrong.....

both ends should look the same...

Old and new rear rods.... no way is that new one fitting on the car....

so having no choice but to use them I removed the rubber bit from the new rod and just used the metal rod, it just fitted and I have held them in place using a couple of tie wraps as spacers and to stop them falling off... seems to work fine for now but I will come up with a better option when I have it on a ramp again to change the rear hub bolts....

It now sits about 2" higher on all settings, slightly less on the rear because I removed the rubber washer and had to mod the rods a bit so they are a tad shorter... So standard height is now what Off Road height was so I will use it on this setting for normal Off Roading and use the extended height when needed.... A bit like the later L322's with terrain response... I can't notice any difference in ride or handling with it now 2" higher... I will get the suspension realigned at it's new height when I've got the new rear camber bolts. Then when I can afford one I'll get the IID tool which allows you to adjust the suspension height electronically...

My top hose was weeping when I got it and I've had a new one for a while but not got round to changing it so decided to have a bash this morning, you have to remove the viscous fan and shroud as the top hose is far more than just that and goes to the water cooled alternator and the gearbox cooler which is under the main rad, the fan is bolted to the waterpump pulley with a left hand thread and a rather large 32mm nut... I had a spanner and tried to shock it loose with a FBH but it wouldn't budge so made up a tool to hold the pulley... one bit of 5mm plate, a grinder and a drill then a steel tube and a welder and I ended up with this.... not very pretty but it does the job..... and cheaper than the �55 LandRover want for one...

The cut out in the pipe is to allow the plate to get to the water pump pulley bolts as they are recessed into the pulley....

Worked a treat and only lost two knuckles when the fan let go!!!!!


Must be the time for bit's to start falling apart on their own as the top hose to thermostat elbow fell apart as I tried to pull it off... it is very brittle and covered in hairline cracks

Everything else went fine and the radiator and other pipes coming off it look like new, must have been changed before I got it...

So a few more jobs ticked off the list....

Off here tomorrow, must remember to leave my wallet at home or I'll be in trouble again.... Pete
2014 L405 Autobiography SDV8 4.4 Loire Blue Ebony interior
2011 L322 Vogue SE 4.4 TDV8 Baltic Blue. Sold
2012 L322 Autobiography 5.0 Supercharged Ipanema Sand Sold
2002 L322 Vogue 4.4 V8 Epson Green (Fatty Offroader) Sold
-Click for Project Fatty off roader-

Last edited by Haylands on 3rd Jun 2022 11:43pm. Edited 1 time in total

Post #259933 17th May 2014 3:48pm
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Member Since: 11 Jan 2012
Location: Berkshire
Posts: 2261

United Kingdom 2007 Range Rover Supercharged 4.2 SC V8 Zermatt Silver

Reading it with interest. Thumbs Up

Great updates. Very interesting. Please keep them coming. Si. <This is my name.

I eat rat poison.

A man ain't truly been insulted until he stands buck naked in front of a woman and she didn't even notice. Or care.

Post #259938 17th May 2014 4:14pm
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Member Since: 24 Mar 2011
Location: New Plymouth
Posts: 4782

New Zealand 2010 Range Rover Autobiography 5.0 SC V8 Galway Green

Well done Pete, was lovely reading this again. MY 2010 5.0 SC Galway green and sand interior!!
Have the Faultmate MSV2 Extreme to be tinkering with the settings etc. !!

Post #259945 17th May 2014 5:14pm
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Member Since: 09 Feb 2014
Location: Beds
Posts: 303

England 2006 Range Rover Supercharged 4.2 SC V8 Java Black

Haylands wrote:
Is anybody reading this??????

Absolutely, great write up - keep them coming Thumbs Up 4.2 Supercharged Vogue SE

Post #259952 17th May 2014 5:29pm
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Member Since: 04 May 2014
Location: Bern
Posts: 14


Very interesting Tread, keep it up ... Thumbs Up


Greetings from Switzerland

Post #259954 17th May 2014 5:40pm
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Member Since: 19 Oct 2013
Location: Aberdeen
Posts: 502

Scotland 2002 Range Rover Vogue Td6 Epsom Green

As always a top read!

Post #259982 17th May 2014 8:53pm
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Member Since: 24 Mar 2012
Location: derby
Posts: 8721

United Kingdom 2016 Range Rover Autobiography SDV8 Santorini Black

Yep, good write up! There is nothing that can't be fixed with a hammer😜😜
FFRR 4.4 SDV8 Autobiography Santorini Black.
KIA E-Niro 4+
2021 Discovery 5 D300 MHEV commercial

Post #259984 17th May 2014 9:08pm
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Member Since: 04 Mar 2014
Location: East Yorkshire
Posts: 8444

England 2014 Range Rover Autobiography SDV8 Loire Blue

Thanks chaps, glad your enjoying it....

Well it took several goes but I've finally got the right bolts for the rear so will be able to get the suspension set up at it's new height...

Next job was a CB, didn't want to have it on show as I only use it whilst offroading to talk to the rest of the lads in the group, I don't do any 10-4 good buddy, got yer ears on type of thing so decided to hide it at the rear of the glove box below the CD changer, then run a remote lead for the handset to the dash, then, because it's hidden and their much better wired to a permanent 12v, a remote switch and LED to remind you not to leave it on at the end of a day laneing and end up with a flat battery.... Took the CB apart and spliced in a six core shielded cable to the original handset plug, took a while as I really need new glasses and the wires are about as thick as a human hair.... pain in the butt to solder...

Removing the glovebox wasn't as straightforward as it looked, had to remove an awful lot of other bit's to get it out....

Found a loom that had been attacked before, looks like a handsfree kit install, there was a permanent live here so that was handy, also found a spot for the remote speaker for the CB

CB in the glove box

Panel mount 6pin CB handset plug, on/off switch and LED, made a little cap for it to keep dirt out the plug..

Click image to enlarge

Click image to enlarge

Had a handset holder that is beautifully made with no sharp corners at all and it slips behind here and is very secure, is removable in 5secs and leaves no marks...

Click image to enlarge

So nice and handy when in use, and not much evidence when not...

Click image to enlarge
2014 L405 Autobiography SDV8 4.4 Loire Blue Ebony interior
2011 L322 Vogue SE 4.4 TDV8 Baltic Blue. Sold
2012 L322 Autobiography 5.0 Supercharged Ipanema Sand Sold
2002 L322 Vogue 4.4 V8 Epson Green (Fatty Offroader) Sold
-Click for Project Fatty off roader-

Last edited by Haylands on 3rd Jun 2022 11:52pm. Edited 2 times in total

Post #261378 25th May 2014 5:01pm
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Member Since: 04 Nov 2011
Location: Derbyshire
Posts: 7880

United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Buckingham Blue

That looks a very tidy install and well worth the effort given the end result.

Not sure you can do this, but I'm wondering if you can somehow wire it to the big phone plug in the boot and get it to get the car to think its a phone and mute speakers and use the car speakers ? Poss a bit complicated and may involve the ibus.....

Thumbs Up 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE 4.4 TDV8

Previous cars :
2003 Range Rover Vogue TD6
1999 Discovery Td5 ES
1995 BMW M5 3.8 6 speed
1992 Range Rover 3.9 Efi Vogue
1992 BMW M5 3.8
1988 BMW 735i SE
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Post #261384 25th May 2014 5:51pm
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Member Since: 04 Mar 2014
Location: East Yorkshire
Posts: 8444

England 2014 Range Rover Autobiography SDV8 Loire Blue

Thanks, I never listen to the radio etc when laneing and usually the built in speaker is OK but they put them in the bottom of CB's as they presume they will be mounted under the dash, with the thickness of the glove box and surrounding dash it was totally quiet, hence the remote speaker which, for it's size, is pretty loud....

I did toy with the idea of using the steering wheel telephone button and a concealed mic but it's not worth all the effort for the amount I use it... all that gets said is "that gate needs shutting" or "that gate was open" or " we stopping for a cuppa"

Cheers Pete
2014 L405 Autobiography SDV8 4.4 Loire Blue Ebony interior
2011 L322 Vogue SE 4.4 TDV8 Baltic Blue. Sold
2012 L322 Autobiography 5.0 Supercharged Ipanema Sand Sold
2002 L322 Vogue 4.4 V8 Epson Green (Fatty Offroader) Sold
-Click for Project Fatty off roader-

Post #261394 25th May 2014 6:42pm
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