If between 45% and 65% of light gets through, the driver is advised to have the tinting removed, failure to do which might result in a prosecution and a fine of up to £2000.
For between 30% and 45% of light transmission the vehicle is assumed to be unfit for use but not to pose an immediate danger. A delayed prohibition is issued and the owner has up to ten days from the date of issue to remove the tint.
At less than 30% the legal position is that driving the vehicle would involve a risk of injury, and the vehicle cannot be moved under its own power from the issuing of the prohibition notice until the tint has been removed
The legal limits for window tinting are a
minimum of:
● 70 per cent VLT for side windows
● 75 per cent VLT for windscreens on
vehicles first used after April 1985 and
70 per cent VLT for those first used prior
to that date.
VOSA Enforcement Examiners will normally
remove prohibitions of this nature at Goods
Vehicle Test Stations by prior arrangement
with the owner. This is a departure from the
normal clearance procedure of putting
vehicles through an MOT