TD6 injector trim values. | |
Hi guys,
I have been told that the ability to read the injector trim values is about to be added to the IID tools already impressive repertoire (in a couple of months according to Patric). But i am unfortunately having issues at the moment.
This leads me to beg, steal or borrow a diag tool that can read the values and tell me which injector(s) are misbehaving.
I am near Wallingford (work) or Wantage (near where i live) Oxfordshire. If any one nearby has anything that i could use for 5 mins i would be really really great full.
Also does any one know if any of the generic tools like the snap on or launch scanners can do it or am i destined to go the stealers?
Thanks in advance for any pointers/ help.
Kind regards, Luke